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Re: Got My 2nd Moderna Vaccine Today!

Got my 2nd Moderna shot a week ago today.  I had a slight fever the next day, but it went away after I went to bed.  The site was red and itchy for about 3 days.  Glad to hear so many are getting these shots - keep on getting them!

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Re: Got My 2nd Moderna Vaccine Today!

so happy your second dose of Moderna was a breeze! my second dose wiped me out...the fever, aches, etc but didn't last too long.
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Re: Got My 2nd Moderna Vaccine Today!

@Luvtuna wrote:

Got my second shot yesterday and started feeling chills and stomach cramps.  I still feel sick today. Started in the middle of the night.  My husband hasn't had problems yet.  We got the Pfizer vaccine. Has anyone else had stomach cramps?  How do you relieve?

No cramps but I did have nausea for 2 days.  It's a good idea to be prepared for stomach issues.  I used Tums which didn't help a lot and ginger ale.


Another lesser discussed but not uncommon side effect I had was lymph gland pain in the arm pit on the side of the injection.  Don't let it scare you if it happens.  Some women have run for a breast cancer test.  Wait 6 weeks then go if the pain persists.