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Re: Goodwill Elevates Its Image

Higher prices are due to two things:  The fact that people running private thrift stores (think boutique) buy all the cheap good quality items for resale. The other reason is the people marking prices, or their supervisor, have no idea what they are doing.  I also see items from Walmart marked higher than Walmart's full price.

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Registered: ‎06-25-2022

Re: Goodwill Elevates Its Image

Here in central Illinois the prices have increased and yesterday I said to myself I no longer have a desire to purchase there.

I have found very good prices on eBay, which has also given me free shipping. I can buy used or sometimes the items are new. Which is not my point, bc actually everything stops being new after wearubg once. I do like to recycle and be mindful with purchases.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Goodwill Elevates Its Image

@PickyPicky3  Regarding those bags, that's such a nice idea, you should consider giving them to local food pantries. I always include both paper bags and reusable grocery bags with my food donations, and they're thrilled to receive them.One of the ladies told me they're always running out of boxes and bags.


What worries you masters you.
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Registered: ‎03-19-2010

Re: Goodwill Elevates Its Image

@granddi wrote:

I tried to find my source.

Somewhere I recall that Goodwill will redesign the store to look like a TJ Max. They will also sell new merchandise like underware. 


I think many well known charities are top heavy in paying for management. I try to give to a local women's shelter resell shop.


My sister works her tail off for special olympics and reports to several well paid bosses. The one that surprised me was St Judes.

@granddi What surprised you about St. Judes?