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Re: Gift for Physical Therapist

If yoyu really want to give them something I'd take them a cake or cookies.

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Re: Gift for Physical Therapist

Cake or cookies? No!!! These people, PT,  are into being healthy. Especially at this time of year with so many sugary treats, I wouldn't dream of bringing in cakes, cookies or candy. 

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Re: Gift for Physical Therapist

Thank you all for your opinions. I will think about what everyone said and make a decisin.  

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Re: Gift for Physical Therapist

I had PT at the same facility with the same therapist on three separate occasions.

During the time she had mentioned that she loved a certain kind of cake.  Each time I went to one of those cupcake stores at the end of therapy and bought enough cupcakes for each staff member to have one.   They were appreciated.

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Re: Gift for Physical Therapist

@gmkb wrote:

I had PT at the same facility with the same therapist on three separate occasions.

During the time she had mentioned that she loved a certain kind of cake.  Each time I went to one of those cupcake stores at the end of therapy and bought enough cupcakes for each staff member to have one.   They were appreciated.

That is exactly what I did.  There is a fabulous cupcake place nearby and I brought a dozen cupcakes for the whole staff to enjoy.  I have also done this for our vet's office.  They were all so appreciative and I received lovely thank you notes.  Everybody dug right in.  Nobody took offense to a not so healthy treat.  Quite the opposite!

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Re: Gift for Physical Therapist

@joann1218 wrote:

Friday will be my last day at physical therapy.  I've been going for 8 weeks.  Would you get the physical therapist a gift for the last day.  It's also the Christmas season so dont know if I should get a gift or just say thank you for all your help and leave it at that.  Thanks for your opinion.

@joann1218  If you have had the same therapist for all 8 weeks then do what is comfortable for you.  A nice thank you card (I'd stay away from holiday cards) would be sufficient, imo.


If you want to give a small gift card, I don't see why it cannot be accepted.  Just put it in a card and leave it at that.


Please don't bring cookies, cakes, and other unhealthy things-you don't owe the whole place anything.


Glad you are done and hope all is well for you now.



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Re: Gift for Physical Therapist

They are medical professionals and it is totally inappropriate to give them gifts.  A heartfelt card or face to face "thank you" is appropraiate. 

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Re: Gift for Physical Therapist

@Alicew wrote:

They are medical professionals and it is totally inappropriate to give them gifts.  A heartfelt card or face to face "thank you" is appropraiate. 

Not inappropriate at all.  I was a nurse for many years.  Patients were always bringing gifts for the doctors, nurses and staff.  People wanted to show their appreciation for the kindness and care they received and all the goodies and gifts were much appreciated.  

I always gift the nurse and receptionists at the drs. offices I visit frequently. 

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Re: Gift for Physical Therapist

@Alicew wrote:

They are medical professionals and it is totally inappropriate to give them gifts.  A heartfelt card or face to face "thank you" is appropraiate. 

I don't agree that gifts are inappropriate to give to medical  professionals.  My dentist loves to get homemade treats, especially my peanut butter fudge.  I asked him if he and his staff ate homemade goodies or tossed them.  He and his whole staff said they eat everything!  


I always send him some fudge for Christmas and he is Jewish. I also make and take him fudge when I go for a cleaning. If I forget, he mentions it.

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Re: Gift for Physical Therapist

That is so sweet of you to even consider!  I think a card with a note written inside of thanks would be so much more meaningful than a gift.