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Generally speaking, how many visits do you get from others?

Not counting solicitors, how many people come to visit with you at your home in say, a week's time? 


We have a lot of close neighbors, and can visit outside in good weather. We really don't have many visitors. Our neighbors, are a mix. Both retired and working and raising families.


Now that family size is getting smaller, that's some of it too. I'm seeing how so many of the elderly are alone a lot. Whole new chapter. Such is life.

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Re: Generally speaking, how many visits do you get from others?

The situation you describe is similar to mine. If I have a social visit it usually ends up as lunch out with friends/family. I often have family at my home, several times a week, but not that often with friends. Winter weather keeps folks indoors more.


When I spend time with friends we will often combine lunch with some errand together. We get to spend time together and get a few things done at the same time. I went to a craft show with a friend and we both picked up birthday gifts as well as enjoying the time together.


Actually I am glad my neighbors are like-minded. We are friendly but not the "drop in for coffee every day" type. We gladly pick up packages, shovel a walkway, or pitch in to help, but privacy is respected.

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Re: Generally speaking, how many visits do you get from others?

No one ever just stops by except delivery people.  If we're going to see family or friends, that's a planned occasion.  When the weather is nice and we're working outside, we might see the neighbors next door working too, and we'll stop and chat for a few minutes.

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Re: Generally speaking, how many visits do you get from others?

None.....and I prefer it that way....I am not one to drop over and visit with people and I don't want them dropping by to visit me...


I am not unfriendly...I just don't want my privacy invaided...


My ex will drop over maybe once a month...but he always asks if i mind ....the neighbor upstairs...will stop by maybe once or twice a month...and that is it...and i am fine with that...


Now if someone needs me for something...I am always available to help out...

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Re: Generally speaking, how many visits do you get from others?

We retired and moved up to our lakefront cottage. We now live in a vacation town in upper MI so we continuously have visitors staying with us. I love it! We have guest rooms everywhere! We even totally finished a beautiful little furnished studio above our garage for guests (I call it our carriage house). We have all the kids coming up this weekend for our early Christmas and I'm thrilled that the house will be filled again! Heart

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Generally speaking, how many visits do you get from others?

@ID2 wrote:

We retired and moved up to our lakefront cottage. We now live in a vacation town in upper MI so we continuously have visitors staying with us. I love it! We have guest rooms everywhere! We even totally finished a beautiful little furnished studio above our garage for guests (I call it our carriage house). We have all the kids coming up this weekend for our early Christmas and I'm thrilled that the house will be filled again! Heart

@ID2, That sounds wonderful and it really sounds like this was a wonderful move for you and you're totally enjoying it. So happy for you!

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Re: Generally speaking, how many visits do you get from others?

Rarely.  Every couple of months we have family over to play cards, and we occasionally hold parties for family gatherings like Thanksgiving.

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Re: Generally speaking, how many visits do you get from others?


Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Generally speaking, how many visits do you get from others?

I'm jealous....sounds wonderful. Hope you live long and healthy. 


As far as drop ins...more in summer than winter.  Mostly because I have a pool (summer) and winter can be rough here.  School also plays a part. Families with young kids tend to nest more during winter.   By the time I get home it's dark so I don't see the kids playing so much. 

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Registered: ‎04-18-2013

Re: Generally speaking, how many visits do you get from others?

I never just "drop in" to see people.  I think it's extremely rude.  I used to know people who did that to me and it annoyed me no end.  There was even one girl I worked with who, if I didn't answer my door, threw things at my 2nd floor apartment window until I opened the door.  How rude is that?


A friend of mine is in the process of moving to a new house and the guy who lives next door shows up at her house asking if she's going to invite him in.  She nipped that one in the bud.