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On 2/26/2014 bigsister said:

Gossip is done by people with small minds who don't like to or can't talk about anything important.

And who defines ""important"" ? You ? I talk about YOU all the time.....that makes you important.
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Registered: ‎03-25-2012

Types of conversation:

About ideas/philosophy/science

About current events/world views/society

About one's own issues/worries/self

About family issues/problems/solutions

About other people/helpful/positive

About other people/criticism/negative

IMO, only the last of these falls into the category of "gossip." Ask yourself how often your conversations fit into these categories. That should tell you a lot about yourself. I find I am split fairly evenly between all of them.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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On 2/26/2014 hartbrokn said:

Thanks for the thoughts and answers. And very sorry if it was strange to ask or I asked too much I didn't mean you had to answer every one of my 6 questions. They were on my mind. I was severely hurt by gossip in my work place and hoping to get unbiased ideas here from you nice ladies. Thanks and blessings.

hartbrokn, you have nothing to apologize for. Many people ask strange questions here, and lots of them. Wink Your thread is thought-provoking and that is never a bad thing. I'm sorry that you were hurt by gossips in your work place. My thoughts would be to disregard the gossips and don't let it anger or upset you. They probably have unfulfilled lives, and nothing better to do than chatter about other people. Unless their gossip somehow effects your job performance or publicly humiliates you in your work environment, just ignore them and perhaps say a prayer for them, they could probably use it. Hope you post more.


Occasional Contributor
Posts: 11
Registered: ‎02-12-2014

You got 52 replies so why start this in Among Friends as well?

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Posts: 919
Registered: ‎03-10-2010
On 2/26/2014 verite said:

You got 52 replies so why start this in Among Friends as well?

So she can get opinions there, like here. Not everyone posts or reads every forum.