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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Frustrated at HP Customer Service

Just needed to vent! I spent the last 3 hours on the telephone with HP customer service working out a tech problem with my laptop. I am done, but my problem wasn't totally solved, and I feel like my head needs to explode.

The call center for my particular laptop is located in Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay), India. Going forward through the process, I was passed on through 5 different people, each of whom was extremely polite and trying their best to help me. The problem was the language barrier which was compounded by an extremely long phone connection which had static and sounded terrible.

I couldn't understand their English very well, and they had difficulty with me also. Add into that the fact that I can definitely use a course in assertiveness training and you have a terrible experience for all involved.

Although I love my HP computers, it really angers me that I can not do anything with them without talking to a call center in India. With the job situation in this country being what it is, I find it unacceptable that HP is shipping their customer service positions to a country that has difficulty helping their customers due to a language barrier. I should have had the guts to say "I can't understand a word you are saying to me" but I find it awkward for me to be rude to people who are trying to help me.

I know that HP is only one of MANY corporations who are shipping their jobs to foreign countries in order to save money. It seems to me that these corporations who get these enormous tax breaks should have an obligation to hire Americans in order to get them.

I know, my opinion counts for nothing, but thanks for letting me vent. After more than a month of temperatures in the 103-112 range (actual temperatures, not the heat index) I guess my nerves are just a bit short.

Peace & Ice Cream - Wheat