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Re: France is launching air attacks into northern Syria

@60sgirl wrote:

Innocent people have died since the beginning of time. There is evil in the world and always has been. There just is no way to defeat evil by separating it out from the good first. But sitting back and watching innocent Parisians who were just going about their everyday business get blown up is not acceptable.  They were also casualties of war. 



I agree and disagree with you.  IMHO, you are RIGHT ON  "...innocent Parisians...get blown up is not acceptable..."  However, regarding evil in this world - yes; but, Hitler was evil and countries united - eventually - and obliterated his regime.  We can always do our best to destroy evil even though evils will always pop up.

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Re: France is launching air attacks into northern Syria

@eddyandme wrote:

@60sgirl wrote:

Innocent people have died since the beginning of time. There is evil in the world and always has been. There just is no way to defeat evil by separating it out from the good first. But sitting back and watching innocent Parisians who were just going about their everyday business get blown up is not acceptable.  They were also casualties of war. 



I agree and disagree with you.  IMHO, you are RIGHT ON  "...innocent Parisians...get blown up is not acceptable..."  However, regarding evil in this world - yes; but, Hitler was evil and countries united - eventually - and obliterated his regime.  We can always do our best to destroy evil even though evils will always pop up.

yes, they did. But innocent people died for that cause too., Hitler and his regime were not obliterated singularly while there were no casualties among those who fought them.

I'm done with P.C. Just say what you mean and mean what you say. It's easier.
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Re: France is launching air attacks into northern Syria

@sunshine45 wrote:

@eddyandme wrote:

GOOD!  Hope the bomb the bell out of that country!!


Wish there was someway we could prevent the 'Syrian refugees' from coming here:  what happenned in France proves the "rumors" - they're infiltrating along with the refugees; very scary and sad what's happening.



jordan has stepped up (started in 2012) and provided a hopefully safe refugee camp for many of the syrian refugees......i have a cousin there now who is volunteering at the zaatari camp which has about 80000 sad and so many innocent children there.





@sunshine45 I feel so bad for all the children caught up in all this. Smiley Sad

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Re: France is launching air attacks into northern Syria



Good article.  However, I think they just know there's no way these people can be vetted.

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Re: France is launching air attacks into northern Syria

@goldensrbest wrote:

@eddyandme wrote:



the Saudi's can certainly afford it!  I think people will wake up and step up soon - it's just a shame innocents had to die...

Yes, but it is a fact they provide money to terrorist, they filter money to Palestine.



I thought the Saudi's and the Turks, finally stopped trying to play both sides and agreed to assist the affiliated countries bombing over there.

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Re: France is launching air attacks into northern Syria



I, for one, would really like to see your post.  With so much going on, can't just keep up.  Your valuable information, would be greatly appreciated.  I know I'd be calling my Congressmen and Reps to complain if they were near me:  I'm against it anyways - too dangerous for all of us in this country.  Please see if you can have this reposted.

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Re: France is launching air attacks into northern Syria

@June222 wrote:

Time for an "A" bomb. Terrible thing to say.....but just put an end to it..... I know that is unreasonable and cruel and could not be done today.....  But after yesterday that is how I feel. 

You're nuts. What happened was absolutely horrible but the fact is that doing such a thing will not only kill way more innocent people than guilty ones but also will just incite even more crazies to join. 

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Re: France is launching air attacks into northern Syria

@60sgirl wrote:

@Moonchilde wrote:

@June222 wrote:

Time for an "A" bomb. Terrible thing to say.....but just put an end to it..... I know that is unreasonable and cruel and could not be done today.....  But after yesterday that is how I feel. 


And of course, with predictable retaliation, that certainly would put an "end" to "things" - things like the major population centers of the world, the food we eat, our electronic infrastructure, the air we breathe, the earth we trod.  


In reading your posting history you seem to not want any retaliation by an country that has been targeted by terrorists so I ask you respectfully, do you have an answer to put an end to this brutality and carnage brought about by ISIS? 


Interesting...  Because I do not encourage mass condemnation, fear and hysteria towards all Muslims because of the actions of terrorists claiming to be acting as Muslims, and because I refute the ridiculousness of tossing A-bombs - the only two constants in my "posting history" since the Paris attacks - you've deduced that I "seem not to want any retaliation by any country (that has been targeted by terrorists)."


WT*?  Hyberbole, especially utterly incorrect hyperbole based on zero content is totally meaningless.


I'm definitely not a hysterical, bomb-'em-all-to-oblivion, kill-every-Muslim hysteric, as quite a few seem to be expressing, in their impotent rage. Like it or not, we as individuals ARE impotent in such situations. Virtual screaming kill-kill/bomb-bomb and then attempting to challenge others who are just as sad and angry as everyine else but choose to express it differently - as thinking, not kneejerk-reacting, adults - just appears...hysteric.


I have not actually stated how I feel about "doing" anything - and your "challenge" doesn't sway me to do so, I'm afraid.  These discussions aren't even ABOUT "answers." YOU may want instant solutions and bombastic rhetoric to demonstrate your definition of proper (your kind) of patriotism, but that's not the be-all and end-all of forum (or in-person) discussion, sorry.


Like it or not, there is no quick, simple, easy total, permanent solution.  And I, as an ordinary citizen, not a member of the military, the CIA or the President's advisors, can only let such people, as well as the leaders of other nations, do what they think is appropriate.


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Re: France is launching air attacks into northern Syria

@Moonchilde wrote:

@60sgirl wrote:

@Moonchilde wrote:

@June222 wrote:

Time for an "A" bomb. Terrible thing to say.....but just put an end to it..... I know that is unreasonable and cruel and could not be done today.....  But after yesterday that is how I feel. 


And of course, with predictable retaliation, that certainly would put an "end" to "things" - things like the major population centers of the world, the food we eat, our electronic infrastructure, the air we breathe, the earth we trod.  


In reading your posting history you seem to not want any retaliation by an country that has been targeted by terrorists so I ask you respectfully, do you have an answer to put an end to this brutality and carnage brought about by ISIS? 


Interesting...  Because I do not encourage mass condemnation, fear and hysteria towards all Muslims because of the actions of terrorists claiming to be acting as Muslims, and because I refute the ridiculousness of tossing A-bombs - the only two constants in my "posting history" since the Paris attacks - you've deduced that I "seem not to want any retaliation by any country (that has been targeted by terrorists)."


WT*?  Hyberbole, especially utterly incorrect hyperbole based on zero content is totally meaningless.


I'm definitely not a hysterical, bomb-'em-all-to-oblivion, kill-every-Muslim hysteric, as quite a few seem to be expressing, in their impotent rage. Like it or not, we as individuals ARE impotent in such situations. Virtual screaming kill-kill/bomb-bomb and then attempting to challenge others who are just as sad and angry as everyine else but choose to express it differently - as thinking, not kneejerk-reacting, adults - just appears...hysteric.


I have not actually stated how I feel about "doing" anything - and your "challenge" doesn't sway me to do so, I'm afraid.  These discussions aren't even ABOUT "answers." YOU may want instant solutions and bombastic rhetoric to demonstrate your definition of proper (your kind) of patriotism, but that's not the be-all and end-all of forum (or in-person) discussion, sorry.


Like  it or not, there is no quick, simple, easy total, permanent solution.  And I, as an ordinary citizen, not a member of the military, the CIA or the President's advisors, can only let such people, as well as the leaders of other nations, do what they think is appropriate.


I don't want any instant solutions, I merely asked you what you want done to stop all this carnage.  And I did not challenge you, I asked you respectfully. You need not answer me. 

I'm done with P.C. Just say what you mean and mean what you say. It's easier.
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Re: France is launching air attacks into northern Syria

WE hould have bombed the heck out of ISIS when our first citizen over there was beheaded.   We did nothing, so the beheadings continued....