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Re: For those that have had a COVID vaccine

I don't get the problem.  If you legitimately got leftover vaccine - either via a site offering that - or just showed up and stayed around and waited - you could share that with your friends - who might not know that's an option.


Now if you "knew someone" who specifically set some aside for you - that's a different story, but if that's not the case, then - no problem.

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Re: For those that have had a COVID vaccine

@Linmo  I can understand you being hesitant as some people are getting upset that others are able to get the vaccine before them.  I just received mine this past monday.

I am in the current group in RI getting vaccinated.  My brother, on the other hand got his in January, along with his family (kids in their 20's) and his wife.  Reason being is they live in a congested area with a higher % of Covid cases therefore the whole town was able to receive vaccines, regardless of age.  He didn't want to tell anyone either as he was worried about your exact point.  All in all, it's a good thing but do what you are comfortable with, that's all.

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Re: For those that have had a COVID vaccine

@Linmo wrote:

@rms1954 Because I think there is potential guilt for the person who was fortunate enough to get the vaccine and shaming for those who weren't.

Not everyone wants it. If you want it, and you were able to receive it, then good for you. Most of my friends have declined the shot. None of us feel we want to take the risk of the potential, down the road side effects. So don't worry, you can share your news, or not.

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Re: For those that have had a COVID vaccine

I totally get your feeling of hesitation...and for those who wondered why share...


Many in my circle of friends/relatives are resuming limited gatherings but only to those who are vaccinated...why wouldnt I share


SAD commentary on todays life that because of snarky, spiteful , just plain nasty people you would feel hesitant to share this good news.



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Re: For those that have had a COVID vaccine

If I felt the vaccine was obtained in a honorable way, I would share and encourage others to try that route.


Why be hesitant?



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Re: For those that have had a COVID vaccine

I would not feel guilty.  THere has been much waste with the distribution of vaccine (especially early on) because of storage needs.  SO if you were offerred "leftovers" because someone didn't show or not enough people planned to get the vaccine,  I would have taken it!  Why waste it?  THere will be enough for everyone in time.  

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Re: For those that have had a COVID vaccine

[ Edited ]

@Linmo wrote:

@rms1954 Because I talk to my friends and they ask what is new.  If I had been diagnosed with cancer, I would certainly tell them.  

@Linmo  Obviously you have never had a seriously illness. Telling family and friends was not something I wanted to do soon after finding out I had breast cancer any of the times I heard the diagnosis. I needed TIME to absorb it myself; then share with my husband.  We needed to go over my options and the decisions I had tentatively made with my surgeons to make sure everything was the best choice. If not, we wanted more opinions before surgery. We also needed to see our attorney and broker. There wasn't time to tell friends (and that was the last thing I wanted to do). We finally did call my parents who did drive to our part of the country (at the time) to stay with our son while the surgery was scheduled and I'd be hospitalized. They were the best help when I returned home, as well, since my husband had to return to work after taking so many days off to be with me (and our son & my parents). Dad returned to Nebraska about a week later, but mom stayed with us for several weeks to care for our 2 1/2 year old. In the last 1970's recovery was much longer than it is today and the treatments were wicked.  

Doubt I told anyone else for several months. It didn't seem like anyone's business. I was still fighting for my health. It was a family deal only and my husband and I confided with each other - and kept our parents up-to-date on what was happening. It kept returning over the next few years; more surgeries. We finally decided to return to Nebraska to be near family for their help with our son when I was so ill. 

I only talk about it after the fact. At the time, I was too busy being a wife, mother, daughter, sister, and trying to smile and live a normal life while  my goal was to stay alive. We lost count of the surgeries, but over a seven year period I finally beat it.

Have only had one scare (last summer) and it was not malignant, which was an easy lumpectomy. I drove myself both ways! And, only I only emailed my son about what was happening the day of that minor surgery. No one ever knew. People don't want to hear about illnesses. I was ready to take my daily walks the next day so no one missed me (even during COVID)!  

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Re: For those that have had a COVID vaccine

I'm also in my 60's but in my state the vaccine is available to anyone 40 years and older at this time.  I signed up as soon as my age group was allowed and have received both doses as of yesterday.  That being said, I don't think I'd hesitate to share my good fortune if I were you.  It's not as though you took the vaccine away from someone else.  I don't think the serum lasts forever.  It's probably "use it or lose it" and you had the good fortune to benefit from the excess.

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Re: For those that have had a COVID vaccine

If someone were to ask me directly I would tell them but I certainly would not openly divulge that information.   My health information is my business, not anyone else.  






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Re: For those that have had a COVID vaccine

If and when I decide to get the vaccine, I won't announce it. I have 3 family members who make it their business of sending out messages saying where the vaccine is available. I just ignore them.  It's my business and I'll leave it at that.  If asked, I'll just ask why do you want to know.  That's just me. I don't like being pushed.