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Registered: ‎02-25-2020

Re: For those getting Covid vaccines

@SeaMaiden wrote:

@caroln242 wrote:

Okay!  So general concensus is,  Medicare card:  okay to carry.  Social Security card:  don't carry.  Got it!  Thanks for clarifying that for me.  I'd do a "thumbs up" emoticon, but we don't have one on this forum!  Smiley Tongue

I have NEVER been asked to show my SS card ever. I have had it for well over 50 years.

Come to think of it, you're right.  I've never had to produce my social security card either, but I have had to give out my number (which I have memorized) to doctor's offices, insurance companies, etc.  So no reason to carry it!

Man plans. God laughs.
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Re: For those getting Covid vaccines

Thanks for the suggestion.   I learn a lot of good information from these blogs and I hope they never discontinue them.  They are especiallly helpful for people my age who don't get out and around as much as they used to.   I look forward to reading them each day.

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Re: For those getting Covid vaccines

@PreKteacher wrote:

When I got my first shot, the nurse told me to take a picture of my card right when she gave it to me. I guess they know some people will lose it before they even get back to their car! Woman LOL



LOL. Believe it or not, that can actually happen.

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Re: For those getting Covid vaccines

We aren't going to laminate ours, there is space for 4 notations.  If in the future something needs to be added, it can't be.


I will just put them in the fire proof box with all our other important papers.