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She ruined her career all by herself. Whether she is charged with assault, or she gets suspended from the program, or if absolutely NOTHING is done, her career is very damaged (at best).


She is a resident. She is in training for a specialty. IF she is allowed to finish, she is going to be hard pressed to find a job. That video of bad behavior is going to follow her wherever she goes. Any job she applies for, there that video will be.


Really poor decision on her part. She clearly did not think about "walk away". Her parents must be so proud. (not).


She couldn't even stop at getting into his car any refusing to get out. She had to take it one step further and throw all his paperwork out the window! I give that driver credit for not losing it too!


Narcissistic behavior seems to be the norm in the upcoming generation. No need to wonder what is wrong with our country. She is only one of thousands of people behaving badly nowadays.

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Re: First, Do No Harm

[ Edited ]


Flip out much?

I don't think I would want her as my doctor or a doctor for my loved ones. 

I say toss her.  

She ruined her own career.


I am glad they had it on camera.

I feel bad for someone that before phone cameras something crazy happened but there was no proof.


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Medical school was always hard to get into and very expensive. My cousin had to go to medical school in Poland back in the 70's because his Dad or some other family member was not a doctor to help him get into medical school in the US. I guess today though, it's all about the money, if you can pay you can go. It goes without saying that you have to be smart enough to do the work and of course have the desire to be a doc. I know the doc's today want to be considered as regular people, but I don't want a regular person digging around in my body. I want a doc who is above reproach and serious as all get out about what he's doing. I don't care about his bedside manner, I don't want to know him, I just want to really respect him because he's the best at what he does. That little gal needs to go or get some serious help.

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@151949 wrote:

@MaggieMack wrote:

Have you seen the video of the fourth-year med student doctor in neurology and her meltdown on the Uber driver? She has been suspended by the med school pending investigation. Here is the article with link to video:


Uber Girl Rider Tirade


Kudos to the driver for keeping his cool after getting kneed in the groin and having his possessions tossed into the street.


What do you think? Should she lose her medical license? I would like to see something happen, like AA meetings for a year, no alcohol, etc., etc. before she gets any medical privileges back. If ever. Another case of too little parenting?

I medical STUDENT is just that - a student. She does not have a license.




This woman is a 4th year Neurology Resident, just shy of completing her Residency and is licensed, as she is not a medical student.  She ceased being a "medical student" just prior to commencing her Residency in Neurology.


That said, IMHO the state should yank her license.  Period.  This will go to an ethics committee and on from there.  It should be interesting to see how many appeals she makes.


If one of the Residents in any of our programs (where I worked) had exhibited such behavior, he/she would have been dismissed by the department/hospital, with notification to the State Board.

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Someone should notify the state board.  The driver should have pressed charges and I hope he will.  This chick is in neurology?  Judging by her behavior, she isn't fit to practice medicine, rather, she should be in therapy.  She didn't appear drunk to me.  She appeared to be mentally unhinged.

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Hubbo said "PMS"?    LOL

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I read she paid off the driver once the police arrived.  Also read she got in the back door to medicine by going to a school in the Carribean.  Don't know if any of this is true but any employer is taking a huge risk with her from a liability standpoint.  Jackson Health System is on notice now. 

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