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Re: Famous Well Known Older Women You Admire

Well known locally:


My grandmother, born in 1900 who taught me what it was to be a strong woman.  She ran the largest privately owned store in town for 50 years.  She also ran all of the men who worked there, including my grandfather, dad, and uncle who had graduated from the Citadel.


My senior teacher, her husband became Speaker of the NC House.

  She showed me what a young woman in that time could aspire to.


My best friend's mother, a county commissioner for 25 years.

  She listened to me, validated me, and was always proud of me.  I got my love of primitives from her.  Until she passed, I made her a large pound cake, a big tray of fudge, and homemade cookies every Christmas.

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Re: Famous Well Known Older Women You Admire

Another nod to Eleanor Roosevelt.

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Registered: ‎08-23-2010

Re: Famous Well Known Older Women You Admire

[ Edited ]

@sunshine45 wrote:

in no particular order......


christiane amanpour


hillary clinton


meryl streep


ruth bader ginsburg


michelle obama


barbara walters


angela merkel






Those are the same I would select ...


Additionally .... Katherine Hepburn and Jacqueline Kennedy.

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Re: Famous Well Known Older Women You Admire

Probably Aubrey Hepburn because of her humanitarian work and how gracefully she aged without all the fillers and Botox  

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Registered: ‎03-23-2010

Re: Famous Well Known Older Women You Admire

Nancy Wilson

Margaret Sanger

Joan of Arc

Golda Meir

Anita Hill

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Famous Well Known Older Women You Admire

A wide variety of interesting answers, except @chrystaltree who might want to eat some humble pie. My general answer is first ladies because they acquire a job they may not have coveted, but do it with grace.