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call the company who shipped the food to you tell them dry ice was melted upon reciept. They should send you a new shipment. I would not eat food that dry ice has melted, you never know if bacteria has begun to grow.


When I get Omaha steak shipment. it says right on reciept if dry ice has melted, to call and they will replace food shipped.

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@viva923 wrote:

call the company who shipped the food to you tell them dry ice was melted upon reciept. They should send you a new shipment. I would not eat food that dry ice has melted, you never know if bacteria has begun to grow.


When I get Omaha steak shipment. it says right on reciept if dry ice has melted, to call and they will replace food shipped.




i have had a number of items received where the dry ice is gone and the items still rock solid frozen. just because the dry ice is not there doesnt mean the food is spoiled.


"The dry ice used in the food products we offer usually lasts between 24 to 36 hours. Since we ship our products in 2 days, it is common for little or no dry ice to remain by the time you receive your package. However, your food will still be cold - ready to be put right in your freezer! "

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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@Tinkrbl44 wrote:



Was this chicken frozen?  A lot will depend on that.

@It was supposed to be frozen. Assume it was refrigerated 'cause says UPS Blue. Chkd origin: Arrived in Memphis 9/25 @ 5:42 and 9/26 Left @ 1:23; then A in Nashville @ 4:52 and L @ 0:47; A in Louisville @ 1:17 and L @ 5:41; A in Manchester NH @7:40 at which time assume it was loaded onto a truck. I'm ASSUMING (HOPING!) everthing until the NH arrival was refrigerated.


So, I would believe it was on a UPS truck(s) and distribution centers from about 7:40. 9/26 and has of now is a no show!  I shut the a/c off and put a fan on and have been closely watching to either mailman or UPS since I put this question out for everyone's advice. It's 83 in my house now! Since the mailman came at 5pm and didn't deliver it, I guess it's somewhere in UPS land!


I'm really doubting the safety of this product at this point!

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I would be wondering the same thing. But try to stop worrying. It isn't going to change anything at this point. Companies ship frozen food every day and know how to pack it so it arrives safely.While I'm hot and grumpy when the termperature reaches the 80's, food is shipped successfully when the termpurature is far higher.You'll likely be pleasantlly surprised at how cold the chicken is when iyou receive it. 







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Sorry, I mistyped - left Nashville @ 9:47.

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Please let us know when you've received it and what you think. I think if it shows no signs of thawing and is COLD to the touch, it would be okay. If it is thawing and only COOL to the touch I would not eat it. I would probably be more cautious with chicken than with most other foods that are shipped. Thawing or just cool casseroles or things that will be cooked or reheated to a very high temperature would be safe. 

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Check outside your door @eddyandme, and see if they just left it without ringing your bell. I would do that and see if it's there. Sometimes the shipping information is not updated yet. 


That has happened to us with UPS when they used to deliver food packages.


They would leave them outside without ringing the bell, and I would even be home to answer the door and to accept our packages. It was just that the driver didn't want to bother to ring our bell. 


If the meat is still frozen or even partially frozen and the dry ice is melted, you should still be good to go with it.


We would receive food gifts from Omaha steaks that were delivered like this, and they were fine to eat.


The ice would be melted but the food was still frozen.


Some of it was cold that wasn't that close to the ice, but we put it away in the freezer and used it.


If you're in doubt though and don't feel comfortable with eating it, call the vendor or QVC if it came through the Q, and let them help you. Smiley Happy 

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@Toppers3, but I've been watching - it wasn't delivered. Plus afterreviewing the tracking info, every destination center it was delivered to it sat around there for apx 5 hrs. 


I called C/S and got someone who readily understood my concern and cancelled this order and my A/D due to the distribution process. I also suggested that QVC review these procedures with their vendors because safety and quality control should be concerns. This shipped out on the 25th and it's now missing in action on the 27th? - amazing!


I also requested that QVC or the vendor, whomever deals with UPS to totally cancel delivery to me since it would be most difficult for me to get rid of a box containing 5lbs of spoiled, smelling chicken.


I'm totally bummedWoman Tongue!


Thanx for your suggestion though - UPS never rings here!  But, if my furbaby is outside, he'll play ball with him and/or leave cookies!

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I love following the tracking. But honestly, I would have waited till the package arrived before getting so concerned that I cancelled the order. The only reason I would be beginning to be concerned is that you indicated that the first actual tracking was late in day on the 25th. If that weren't the case, I get "shipping" notification frequently where the package doesn't actualy arrive at the shipper till a day or two later. In some systems shipping notification are sent at the time the shipping info is entered into the system or when the shipping label is printed. If the contents were questionable when the package arrived, I'd simple leave the package containing the chicken sealed and put it in the dumpster where I live. If where I lived didn't have a dumpster and it was too long until garbage pickup day, I might add another layer or two of secure wrapping. But honestly, the plastic it's wrapped in should help contain any odor. 


I'd also still take a look outside as @Toppers3 suggested. Even if the package doesn't show "delivered," it's possible the driver missed scanning it or the scanning hasn't updated yet for some reason. And the regular drivers get sick or have a day or two off now and then, which can easily affect delivery time for multiple reasons. No matter how attentively you were staring at the window, there were most likely many times when you were distracted or went to do something that "only took a second" that would have allowed a driver to drop off your package. It wouldn't hurt to even look around a bit. Over the years I've had many UPS drivers more or less "hide" a package to make it less visible. In this case, it could also be an attempt to keep it out of direct sunlight. 

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Hi @eddyandme,


Thanks for the update.


I'm really sorry that your package never showed up.


That's a bummer, especially when you were looking forward to trying it.


I'm glad that QVC took care of the situation for you though, and that everything worked out. Smiley Happy