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How is this spreading Covid? Littering is bad for the environment, but I don't understand the connection to Covid. That is an overreaction, IMO. 


I wouldn't have confronted the driver over that; it's too risky. Calling in the complaint was a much better thing to do. 


"The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog."

Mark Twain
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Our Fed Ex guy eats his lunch in our cul de sac almost daily.  He never leaves any trash behind.  Reporting the driver in your case was admirable.  Though I am surprised you actually reached a person!  One time I had tried to call to let them know I received someone elses package and couldn't reach a soul, just got prompt after prompt.   I ended up handing the package to the Fed Ex driver the next time he was in the neighborhood.


I do agree, fearless or not, always be cautious as you never know what may happen in a confrontation.

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I find your behavior risky. No, I would never report him due to the possible retaliation you will receive. He will deny the behavior and it will turn into a he says, she says. 

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Registered: ‎05-15-2016

Yeah, I totally believe this happened. 🙄

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Okey dokey.  



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@Lipstickdiva wrote:

Okey dokey.  



@Lipstickdiva  I second that Okey dokey.

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Registered: ‎05-15-2016

Hope she's not expecting any fedex deliveries any time soon. 

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What did the Escalation Team tell you when they called you back? 

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My question is, what kind of sane and decent person would run up to a driver, bang on the truck's door, and start yelling rather than engaging in a normal conversation? 


I heard someone make a comment in a video yesterday saying that he can accept criticism when the person offers it in a voice he can hear (as in being reasonable), but when someone comes at him yelling and screaming he will likely tell them to *blank* off. I think most people are like that.


What's so hard about approaching people in a kind and civil way? If it was something serious like physically abusing a person or an animal then the instant rage and confrontation is understandable. Littering, as annoying as it is, doesn't come close to warranting such combative behavior.  


That story is sad commentary on how someone thinks it's okay to treat another person this way much less come to a message board to brag about it. Smiley Sad

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@SusieQ_2 wrote:

My question is, what kind of sane and decent person would run up to a driver, bang on the truck's door, and start yelling rather than engaging in a normal conversation? 


I heard someone make a comment in a video yesterday saying that he can accept criticism when the person offers it in a voice he can hear (as in being reasonable), but when someone comes at him yelling and screaming he will likely tell them to *blank* off. I think most people are like that.


What's so hard about approaching people in a kind and civil way? If it was something serious like physically abusing a person or an animal then the instant rage and confrontation is understandable. Littering, as annoying as it is, doesn't come close to warranting such combative behavior.  


That story is sad commentary on how someone thinks it's okay to treat another person this way much less come to a message board to brag about it. Smiley Sad

Oh, my dear!  I guess it takes one to KNOW one!  Smiley Happy