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Registered: ‎08-23-2010

@santorini wrote:

Rogaine liquid on a Q-tip applied nightly.




Have you actually used it successfully, or is this something you've read will work?   I ask because I used this product daily with a q-tip for six full months, and nothing, nada, zip was the result.  I assumed if I gave it a full 6 months, and nothing at all changed, nothing would..

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Registered: ‎03-19-2010

I used Rapid brow and that really worked.  Of course when you stop,  the brows go back to the way they were.  I was amazed but the last one I got had very little in it and did not do anything.  I am thinking it was not the real thing. 


So I decided to try Grande brown and have only used it for 5-6 weeks but seems to be doing nothing so far. It said it was a 4 months supply but seems to have barely anything in it anymore and I used it every night.  

Valued Contributor
Posts: 819
Registered: ‎02-28-2017

Thank you for all  your helpful replies. I've heard good things about Careprost, and found a site that has it for around $17. Think I'll try it along with the castor oil.


Here's hoping!

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Posts: 32,283
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@chiclet wrote:

I used Rapid brow and that really worked.  Of course when you stop,  the brows go back to the way they were.  I was amazed but the last one I got had very little in it and did not do anything.  I am thinking it was not the real thing. 


So I decided to try Grande brown and have only used it for 5-6 weeks but seems to be doing nothing so far. It said it was a 4 months supply but seems to have barely anything in it anymore and I used it every night.  

I used Rapid Brow on my brows and all I got was that my skin under the brows turned a very dark shade of grey and took months to fade away.