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On 3/26/2015 Topaz Gem said:
On 3/26/2015 chickenbutt said:
On 3/26/2015 Justina rae said:

Evil certainly comes out of rigid belief systems and not just those halfway around the world. I feel sorry for any children who are taught to believe certain things from when they are very young. They don't know any other way. It is ingrained. These children become intolerant adults and learn to hate those who are different.

I'm glad that others see that because it is really quite disturbing.

I'm not sure I agree that they're all evil. They may be close-minded and bigoted, but many of them wouldn't hurt a fly. True evil is someone who takes their belief system one step further by killing another person or inflicting harm on society in general. Beheading anyone???

The hatred that they teach someone else could cause the "true evil" that you mention.

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Stop talking about peaches and peach ice cream! Wink I'm practically drooling at my keyboard thinking about having a plate full of fresh peaches or better yet, a waffle cone with fresh peach ice cream!

Image result for fresh peach ice cream

"Summer afternoon-summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." ~Henry James
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On 3/26/2015 Silver Lining said:
On 3/26/2015 kittymomNC said:

<em>PURE EVIL......</em>


I also think there are different kinds and levels of evil, as <em>chickenbutt</em> said. Merriam-Webster's definition is: <em> morally reprehensible.</em>

But that doesn't describe the kind of evil I think was epitomized by those like Hitler, and now ISIS, etc. There has to be a different word that describes that kind of evil... I just don't know what it is right now.

I agree. Something like "depraved" would apply but even that doesn't fully cover it.


malevolent - having or showing a wish to do evil to others.

"the glint of dark, malevolent eyes"

synonyms: malicious, hostile, evil-minded, baleful, evil-intentioned, venomous, evil, malign, malignant, rancorous, vicious, vindictive, vengeful

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. -- Oscar Wilde
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On 3/26/2015 chickenbutt said:
On 3/26/2015 Topaz Gem said:
On 3/26/2015 chickenbutt said:
On 3/26/2015 Justina rae said:

Evil certainly comes out of rigid belief systems and not just those halfway around the world. I feel sorry for any children who are taught to believe certain things from when they are very young. They don't know any other way. It is ingrained. These children become intolerant adults and learn to hate those who are different.

I'm glad that others see that because it is really quite disturbing.

I'm not sure I agree that they're all evil. They may be close-minded and bigoted, but many of them wouldn't hurt a fly. True evil is someone who takes their belief system one step further by killing another person or inflicting harm on society in general. Beheading anyone???

Oh, I'm sorry that it seemed like I said something I didn't mean. I should be more careful. In my view people are NOT evil just because of those things. Those things are just horrible and wrong, in my view, and scary. But I don't think that people who hold those beliefs are evil at all. I just think their thinking is skewed terribly by the things they are taught to believe. Let's face it, I suppose you COULD say that evil things absolutely could, and has in history, come out of that kind of thinking, though.

CB, I think you expressed that very well... sometimes certain belief systems and bigotry can lead to terrible things.

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I started a thread on Peaches so this one won't into the orchard- back to Evil..

Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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The question of all time........Unless they put some happy meds in the water supply, I doubt that some people will ever change, ever.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
Posts: 57
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I define it as people who can do such horrible things to other human beings and animals without blinking an eye. Then you have the criminally insane, which I think is a terrible thing also, but different.

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On 3/26/2015 wildcherry said:

I define it as people who can do such horrible things to other human beings and animals without blinking an eye. Then you have the criminally insane, which I think is a terrible thing also, but different.

They are sociopaths and psychopaths.

Some would call them evil. I would actually.

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On 3/26/2015 Topaz Gem said:
On 3/26/2015 chickenbutt said:
On 3/26/2015 Justina rae said:

Evil certainly comes out of rigid belief systems and not just those halfway around the world. I feel sorry for any children who are taught to believe certain things from when they are very young. They don't know any other way. It is ingrained. These children become intolerant adults and learn to hate those who are different.

I'm glad that others see that because it is really quite disturbing.

I'm not sure I agree that they're all evil. They may be close-minded and bigoted, but many of them wouldn't hurt a fly. True evil is someone who takes their belief system one step further by killing another person or inflicting harm on society in general. Beheading anyone???

I agree with you, Topaz. Being close-minded and/or bigoted is not the same thing as being evil.
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On 3/26/2015 LaVieEnRose said:

I didn't want to derail the other thread about the pilot deliberately crashing the plane killing innocent people so I thought I'd start a thread.

What is your definition of evil? Do you believe it exists? Is evil nothing more than mental illness?

Yes, I believe it exists. Evil manifests itself I think in unspeakable acts by humans. This may not be an all inclusive definition but it's what comes to mind at the moment.