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Ever Need To Just Avoid News Stories?

I don't mean just national news, but random articles.  Seems a 27 yr.old man in FL got a call from his son at school.  Kid was crying, don't know his age. Most of us would just head to school to find out what happened. Not this Dad, he went into the middle school,in a wheelchair, carrying a loaded AK-4 Mini Draco. Since I know squat about guns I looked it up. It's sometimes called a baby assault rifle. It had a 30 roundclip and one in the chamber. And he was very angry and wanted to see a certain teacher.


Of coruse he was arrested.  He  said he forgot he had the gun because he always carries it for protection and he didn't know it was against school rules.  Oh boy,


He got out on $75,000.00 bond but police were thinking of revoking bond due to his previous criminal case that is pending.


I need at least 2 weeks of just the local weather.  Local news is no better.  My immediate antidote is I'm leaving tomorrow am to visit sister for a few days. She just had cataract surgery this morning. A little visiting, a little shopping and going to dinner can't hurt.

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Re: Ever Need To Just Avoid News Stories?

I know that I "should" be more informed and care about what's going on in the world, but it's just not good for me personally.  So much of the news is skewed anyway, some stories get a huge amount of coverage when other, more relevant stories go unreported.  For my own self-preservation I have the news on in the background when I'm getting ready for work in the morning in order to catch the weather and traffic, but otherwise, no news for me. 

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Re: Ever Need To Just Avoid News Stories?

@CrazyKittyLvr2I'm right there with you.  If I 

I'm stuck in the house, I watch the reruns even of Forensic Files 'cause all the bad guys wind up in prison!  


It's hard to believe that father didn't know the gun laws.  That incident is more or less my neighborhood and since Parkland, the gun laws pertaining to schools have been on every TV station and in every local paper repeatedly.

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Re: Ever Need To Just Avoid News Stories?

I cut way back on watching the national news. 


I watch the local news sparingly. 


I still read the paper every day though. 

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Re: Ever Need To Just Avoid News Stories?

[ Edited ]

I'm a news junky, especially in this climate, but I do need to take a break from time to time. I figure I have to have hope that people will come to their senses sooner than later before everything goes down the toilet.

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Re: Ever Need To Just Avoid News Stories?

I never avoid the news.  Sure, a lot of it is pretty bad, but you can't stick your head in the sand and pretend the world is wonderful


I want to be aware of what is happening and how these crazy things are being handled.  If they are not being handled correctly, it is the community responsibility to see that someone steps up to the plate and takes care of things.

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Re: Ever Need To Just Avoid News Stories?

@CrazyKittyLvr2I agree with you about the news.  I like to feel I'm a fairly news abreast person, but lately I'm sick of hearing the same news over and over.  I just catch the weather and turn the station. I know I should keep up with current affairs but for some reason it's just getting to me.

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Re: Ever Need To Just Avoid News Stories?

I watch the local news for local stories and weather.  I don't watch CNN, MSNBC or any other national networks - unless it's a story that's unfolding like an active crime situation and you're getting the information in real time. I need to keep what little sanity I have!

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Re: Ever Need To Just Avoid News Stories?

I thought about Parkland also. How do you not know?  I think this was West Palm Beach. I get people might want one for protection  but what kind of neighborhood do you live in that you need a baby assault rifle with 30 rounds. A really pi**ed off guy that's armed usually doesn't end well.

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Re: Ever Need To Just Avoid News Stories?

Our local news is the same every night, shootings, horrible child abuse, animal abuse, people stealing from the elderly they are in charge of, or from organizations they belong to.  Like others I was a news junkie but I need a break, however, short.  And I wonder why I'm on blood pressure meds.