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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams






I must confess I have not been to TK in several days.  Going to stop in tomorrow morning.


Shocked to read about the flooding.  I hope everything is all right with them -- nothing we can do.  Who would have imagined such a thing.


We are having VERY heavy rains in Maryland and lots of flooding.  I am thankful to be on high ground so no worries, but others around DC and beyond have flooded streets, etc.  It's a mess.


We go from winter temps to 90, humid and/or torrential rains.


The kittens are beyond adorable and the moms are always a joy.  In my dreams, I take them all home, move them into their own little house and they all live happily ever after!


Hope everyone has a good evening.  


Thanks for the wonderful updates.  Was happy to see the Glamper back.  They are so funny inside -- like it's a little food truck and they are servers!

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

I'm sure I should not bring this up but I am anyway......


Why is TK being sued? Or in litigation ? Why is it a big secret ?


I will say this, I gave // donated a lot but never received a receipt back. (not sure I'm supposed to tho) - Don't need it now of course......


Is the little guy going to get his 'legs' some day ? I hope so.... 


I did notice this way back - both Eric and Shelly lived in that 1 house with all the kitties.......she'd have to go upstairs to make dinner every night 6pm and she'd go.. and then return.......then they got 2 houses and things became odd and very different...imo


It was a much nicer place across the street in the new place....


Men/husbands want to have their wife.... maybe dealing with 2 places was pressure... it ruined my relationship...... anyway, it's JMO... 


I hope their marriage is very different there and I worry too much about what the heck is going on all the time.... I worry about those kitties too.


Running a business on the Internet and FB can be very risky with so many people and their judgements plus jealousy.... 


Hope the truth is known 1 day....take care 



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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams



Although we have speculated about the legal problems in the past that is all we are able to do--speculate. We do not know if TK was being sued or if the legal problems were personal or had something to do with Eric's business and activities.


If Shelly ever had a final discussion about Cassidy's legs I did not hear it. My guess is that it was determined there was no way to do an implant that would give him the ability to truly walk. If a definitive answer is known the folks at catpack or united would be the ones that would know.


Before TK's current location Eric and Shelly were in a house and she was still fostering for LAPS. At that time the house they now occupy was being renovated and once done they moved into the house and the house across the street became TKHQ.


Now it appears that the residence is part "caternity ward" and the house across the street has become the rehab location for the ferals. From discussions during the renovations one part of the residence was intended to house cats albeit at that time fosters not ferals.


Yes, now that TK is focused on ferals and not fostering for LAPS there have been a lot of changes and one heck of an education about ferals that is being shared around the world, making an even bigger impact on the lives of cats than anything TK did fostering.


As far as the status of Shelly and Eric's marriage that is their business so I won't even comment on what it may or may not be. There is no reason for that to ever be shared.


In regard to the internet Shelly has been dealing with the comments, etc. for years.  Water off a duck's back.

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

Thanks so much @Marp

I feel like crying about the little guy not getting those legs.. I watched from day 1....... He is SO special to me... as was his brother... My heart hurts... I know if it could have been done, it would have.......she spares nothing and he is so happy...  I lived for that little kitty.... and the ferals.... 


Do they still have that 'large area field' where they put back the ferals which prefer it ?...... I'm sort of afraid to look... I worry a lot you know.


>^..^< I did peek in.... xo Heart

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

[ Edited ]



@Marp  gave a great update on TK, and I have nothing to add.  I used to view a lot more than I do, but had to limit my viewing to keep from getting emotionally involved.


I too have donated, but did always receive notice that they got the money, but did not specifically get a "receipt."  What I learned is those donations, because they are to an entity outside the US cannot be used as a tax deduction.  


There was a discussion about it on the Q board once and, in the process, it was determined to be the case that foreign donations were not deductible unless you had income in the same location.  At least that is my memory of it.


I did want to respond to your one question about where the ferals return when they are having difficulty being socialized -- The Happy Forest is what I believe they call the area.  It still exists.


For the most part, it has been stabilized with most of the cats spayed/neutered/adopted.  They still provide shelter and food for those that remain.


I'm sure if the others know more, they will join in.


Yes, Cassidy is precious.  Shelly poured everything into his recovery, but she seems to do that with all the cats/kittens.  She is really devoted to the cause and it shows.


We all hope that whatever is going on ends favorably for her and all her wonderful helpers.  She certainly has given her all for many years.

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

@cbrite, by large field if you are referring to the Happy Forrest then yes, it is still active and well tended by the volunteers.  In addition there are one or two more feral colonies that are looked after by TK and/or neighbors of the colony.


I don't know how many but there are also farms that work with TK and bring some of the ferals in as barn cats.


Once a TK feral, stray, surrender always a TK cat.

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

[ Edited ]

You can't put the genie back in the bottle - so to speak


I can't imagine all the kits and mamas back in the small nest - of course they could have stayed in the bigger nest lol


They seem to enjoy being together as a family in the wide open space - much cooler too


Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at 5.53.04 PM.png

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

Thank you - Yes, The Happy Forest... Cassidy has a very deep soul in him/his eyes show that.... I got too attached. I have many pics saved on an ex HD... again, thank you.

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

Chloe plops down on anything - she isn't picky - even if it is a bowl of gushy fudz

Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at 6.09.56 PM.png


Colby have discovered gush fudz - eating and walking in it -this crew is gonna be messy

Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at 6.08.54 PM.png


Went back on the DVR and heard Shelly say Pansy had surgery and that her liver was fried - the doctors took sample of everything - still don't know what is wrong with her. I haven't been following the ferals across the street so idk who is up for adoption and who is sick and need care. All I know is that Pansy is stunningly beautiful and paws crossed that they can help her.

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

[ Edited ]

@Yahooey @Marp @Witchy Woman @HerRoyaLioness @Wild Flowers


Good Morning!


All is peaceful in the kitten compound.  There is a huge fluffy thing and Aura (at least I think it is her) is right on top of it being very comfortable.