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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams




@MyShadowLove wrote:




Heart Happy "Meowmy" Day! Heart





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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

[ Edited ]

Morning all....


I would love to know what these two beautiful kitty girls are thinking.


I've never seen cats so affectionate towards each other.  It really is amazing and heart warming.


As many of the chatters have said, I hope they are adopted together.  Well, in my mind, they must be adopted together!


Meant to wish all a Happy Mother's day -- all women everywhere are, have been or will be mother's!  We deserve all the appreciation we can get!


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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

@MyShadowLove wrote:




Heart Happy "Meowmy" Day! Heart




@MyShadowLove  This is the sweetest picture ever.

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

Lots of scary fun can be had in a new kitten nest.  There is the golden tinsel.  And Beezus has even climbed the scratching pole.  Aura seems to me the most comfortable with toys.  I guess Shelly has introduced her to one or the other thing before when she was being fed.



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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

So adorable!  Shellly with a lap full of kittens.  And they seem to love it too.

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

Heard the most wonderful song this morning. Sure to become a hit and I bet you wold like it too. Tiny snores from up and coming artist Chloe - you can tell she is really in the zone as her eyese are closed as she is composing freeform. Ramona is accompanying with trills providing the base beat.


Breekfazt buffee es opin - wear two goez? Boff haz creemy milk bu won haz complimintary baff.


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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

Hi Everyone, our babies have discovered that they can play with each other.  What joy!  And little Aura is right in the middle of things.

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Registered: ‎07-09-2010

Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

Food truck w/ratty behind the counter - step right up


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Posts: 12,872
Registered: ‎07-09-2010

Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

B Rex will be the first to scale the wall - she is already practicing 


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

[ Edited ]

Now the fun really begins.  Zoomies and crabpuffs aren't far away.  Of course, there will also soon be gushy food and poonados to go along with the oh so pathetic poop woes.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.