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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams



I am not a member of FB - funny I don't go searching for anything on FB except for TK and a few adopted kits that I like to look in on. Canada kits touched my heart and Skye the sink cat. I can't remember all the other weird page names of the other cats. It was so easy that I can view many pages without being a member. Now, you get timed out. It is so aggravating. They looked the other way &%^*^&((&). Now you have to log in bc it is so secure now? Ridiculous.


I went back on DVR yesterday to watch Dr F's visit. All the hearts sound fine and kisses were distributed. Of course she was taken with Aura and there were conversations on eating kibble and drinking water. Bottom line, fingers crossed and hope she will grow strong and thrive. Still a long road ahead. Many were urging Dr F to adopt Aura.


TK is back on track. Shelly said that Dr F gave up her free day to attend the board meeting and examine the babies. So... i hope board meeting = tiny good things to follow.

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams



Thanks for the update.  Little Aura is precious.  My prayer is that she does perfectly fine with or without surgery.


Cannot imagine Dr. F. adopting any cats/kittens, but I suppose anything is possible. 


Wish she was my vet!


The FB thing is more of an annoyance since I don't care about it other than TK.



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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

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@Witchy Woman@CLEM@Yahooey....I guess we will just have to learn "speed reading" when on the public Facebook pages from now


I'm happy to hear that all of the physicals went well yesterday with Dr. F...I'm so thrilled that precious little Aura is doing so well....There is an adorable posting on "TinyKittens Facebook" with a video of her "waving" after her tube feeding....She is such a little feisty sweetheart...I so hope that all continues to go well with her!


@Witchy Woman...I love hearing about your senior how he stops right in the middle of the doorway and uses you as his door stopper...hahahaha....After all, us "hooman slaves" are quite aware of who runs the show in our households!




~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

The world is getting bigger.  The kittens have discovered baskets.  Too cute.  I wonder if they will now be living in a larger room.

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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

[ Edited ]



CLEM wrote:


The world is getting bigger.  The kittens have discovered baskets.  Too cute.  I wonder if they will now be living in a larger room.




@CLEM...That was so adorable!....Shelly made a larger area to give the kittens some floor time to help with their stability and mobility as they grow...just so very precious! Cat Happy


~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

Screen Shot 2018-05-12 at 7.36.03 PM.png

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Registered: ‎01-05-2015

Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

[ Edited ]

yahooey wrote:

Screen Shot 2018-05-12 at 7.36.03 PM.png

                          Heyz, dis iz myz bazkit...yous twoz gitz outz!







~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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Registered: ‎07-09-2010

Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

After many minutes in the basket


B Rex - ai bravez gurl - mi oust furst

Screen Shot 2018-05-12 at 7.50.09 PM.png

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Posts: 12,872
Registered: ‎07-09-2010

Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams

B Rex leaves the gated community and climbs Mt Shelly


Screen Shot 2018-05-12 at 8.19.16 PM.png

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,380
Registered: ‎01-05-2015

Re: Eve, Sloaney and Kitten Cams




Heart Happy "Meowmy" Day! Heart




~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~