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Re: Equifax credit breach and placing a credit freeze

I initially went on the eqifax site. I was told my info had been breached. I was directed that I could get the "free ID protection" and they gave me a date to access it. I did not like the setup- it didn't seem right. Luckily I did not follow thru on that.

I read on a major news site that eqiufax has a clause that if you sign up for their credit monitoring then you lose your right to sue in a class action suit. As if they are remedying the wrong done to consumers with the free monitoring, right? 

Set up alerts on your individual cards . 


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Re: Equifax credit breach and placing a credit freeze

Oh and also....the heads of equivalent sold their stock before this all came out and said they had no knowledge of the breach at that time??? I don't think so. 


Enjoy prison!!! 


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Re: Equifax credit breach and placing a credit freeze

I meant equifax. The spell check changed it to equivalent. 

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Re: Equifax credit breach and placing a credit freeze

@kitcat51 wrote:

I haven't received an email saying my info was compromised but thinking about freezing mine too. I heard Equifax would do this for free but the catch is you must give up the right to sue, that seems unfair to me. Also heard that you must freeze with all 3 credit reporting companies for the freeze to be effective. Did Equifax give you any additional information?


You aren't supposed to get an email, it is supposed to be a letter via the Post Office from Equifax. If you get an email from "Equifax", it is probably a fraudulent phishing site set up to steal your information. Either go through the Equifax website to find out or wait for a letter. 

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Re: Equifax credit breach and placing a credit freeze

I have a Discover card.  They offer free social security number alerts (if someone tries to use my social security number).  I signed up for that yesterday.  Right now, I have more faith in them than in signing up with Equifax for their "monitoring".

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Re: Equifax credit breach and placing a credit freeze

@Kachina624I'm guessing the freeze probably works because the thieves don't want to pay to remove it, but it also is one more hoop for them to try to jump through and they'd have no way to know just how you asked to be notified if they try to open accounts.  They got thousands of bits of info and are likely to use those easiest to work with.  A freeze means delay -  and lots of questions to answer to open new accounts -  those answers aren't with the other info.


I had a 7-year freeze with all the reporting agencies after a snafu when I was moving -  one helper tossed financial papers that should have gone through a shredder!  No way to know what might have happened, so I did that freeze.  It was a pain when I wanted credit, but it also was a brake on impulse credit in department stores and I felt safer, too.  I had no costs involved, but it's possible my bank absorbed them.



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Re: Equifax credit breach and placing a credit freeze



Did you get to select the amount of time the freeze was in force?


Just curious.


I haven't received any notification, but thinking that a LONG TERM freeze would be the way to go.  Paying for one year is better than nothing, but I'd almost rather have a permanent or long freeze.


Haven't done anything yet, so trying to determine my best options.



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Re: Equifax credit breach and placing a credit freeze

@Witchy WomanAt the time I did my freeze, I don't believe there was a choice.  If there'd been a choice, I'd have taken as many years as they'd allow.  I sleep better with that extra layer of protection.

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Re: Equifax credit breach and placing a credit freeze



I agree!


I rarely if ever apply for new cards or credits, so would rather just have it frozen until eternity Cat LOL


I get that you can unfreeze when necessary, but freezing it would eliminate the worry.


Almost anything else seems to cause another layer of putting your info out there, more worry, more breeches!


It's endless!

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Re: Equifax credit breach and placing a credit freeze

how long before the CEo  of the 3 companies /

are hauled infront of Congress to defend their sorry ass*s