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Enough with “I Fear”!

[ Edited ]

Obviously the trainers have told all the host to say "I fear" this is going to sell out when selling an item.    I just want to let them know, it's OKAY if it sells out.   We can handle it!   No need "to fear" an item will sell out.  We will get over it in five minutes!   I think it's a little overkill of an otherwise serious word to associate fear with buying or selling any article of clothing! 

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Less than 5 minutes.
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Re: Enough with “I Fear”!

Ah geez.

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Re: Enough with “I Fear”!

I think they pick up some of these catch phrases from each other subconsciously.  I doubt if QVC is telling them to say "I fear."  

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Re: Enough with “I Fear”!

My mom often started sentences with the words "I'm afraid...".  It didn't mean that she was literally scared.  

I would say the words "I fear" are similar in that way 

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Enough with “I Fear”!

"I fear" is just odd.  Old, dated...odd.


"I am" is a powerful phrase.  Be careful what you follow it with.


Keepin' it real.