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Easy way to get rid of FROST on windshield

1/3 c  lukewarm water and 2/3 c Isopropyl alcohol.  Place mixture in a spray bottle and spray your frozen windshield.  Keep in car because the alcohol will not freeze.  It's a breeze.  Cat Very Happy

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Re: Easy way to get rid of FROST on windshield

When mixing products and putting in a plastic spray bottle --- be sure children don't get their hands on it.

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Re: Easy way to get rid of FROST on windshield

I just use the car's defroster.  If the frost is too heavy / the defroster would take too long, I carry a scraper in the glove compartment.

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Re: Easy way to get rid of FROST on windshield of the best products on qvc.

have them for myself and have given probably a dozen as gifts.

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Re: Easy way to get rid of FROST on windshield

That works like a charm - I mixed up a bottle and used it on my windshield!

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Re: Easy way to get rid of FROST on windshield

@Katcat1 wrote:

1/3 c  lukewarm water and 2/3 c Isopropyl alcohol.  Place mixture in a spray bottle and spray your frozen windshield.  Keep in car because the alcohol will not freeze.  It's a breeze.  Cat Very Happy

Is to park it in a garage then you won't have frost!! LOL LOL I am only teasing you I just couldn't resist! LOL Great idea to mix this up and keep in your vehicle because you really can get frost during the day here in CO if you are parked outside.

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Re: Easy way to get rid of FROST on windshield

I heard last night if you rub your windshield with the cut side of a potato or onion, frost won't form.  Also dip your key in hand sanitizer to unlock a frozen lock.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Easy way to get rid of FROST on windshield

A great way to get frost off the windshield, use a credit card. Works wonders!

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Re: Easy way to get rid of FROST on windshield

For Pete's sake use an ice scraper!! No one mentioned this??

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Easy way to get rid of FROST on windshield

Um, be REAL careful with this!  Glass expands when it gets hot so you'll definitely break or crack your windshield if the temperature of that water is too warm.  I would vote for the ice scraper over this method all day every day.