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Hey, if it was me and I thought it was a big deal, I don't care who else thinks it's a big deal.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Earthquake: Northern CA

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our Va one a couple of years ago was just under 6. it was a huge jolt and banging.  had me running for my life.  thought it was either a gas explosion or a plane gone down.  dont want to feel a bigger one.  i have felt small rolling ones in SF.  Jolts are much scarier to me.  Stay safe everyone!

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I was at Civic Center farmers' market. jolt, no sound..I think it' s time to get outta here.  I'm through.

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This is very scary!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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IMO, the reason people are talking about this particular quake it because it wasn't normal.  No sound like a train coming, no feeling of rolling, but rather a jolt which several people say felt like a car hitting their house.


People notice things that aren't usual.

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices
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Don't mind any of that, Noel.


I remember when we were having those constant earthquakes and a couple of people here just kept going on with stuff like 'oh, it's no big deal', 'get over it', 'get a life', 'quit your whining' (PS:  I wasn't whining), etc.  


If it's unsettling, it's unsettling.


But the ones like you just had are particularly unsettling because it's just beyond unexpected.  Earthquakes are always unexpected and you start to feel it and think 'oh, an earthquake'.  But the ones that go *BOOM* you're thinking 'holy krap, Batman - did a plane fly into my house?'.  

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@chickenbutt wrote:

Don't mind any of that, Noel.


I remember when we were having those constant earthquakes and a couple of people here just kept going on with stuff like 'oh, it's no big deal', 'get over it', 'get a life', 'quit your whining' (PS:  I wasn't whining), etc.  


If it's unsettling, it's unsettling.


But the ones like you just had are particularly unsettling because it's just beyond unexpected.  Earthquakes are always unexpected and you start to feel it and think 'oh, an earthquake'.  But the ones that go *BOOM* you're thinking 'holy krap, Batman - did a plane fly into my house?'.  



That made me laugh, CB!  Smiley LOL


The reports are now saying it was also felt strongly in Daly City and somewhat south of that.  How odd, I wonder if the geology of the ground closest to the ocean/beach is a factor.

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices
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Thanks for posting this! I have family in the town where it was centered (a very beautiful town, by the way). I can't reach them so they must be out and about somewhere. Good thing it was a small one!

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I did feel it.  But it was quick and not much of a jolt.  I was aware that it was an earthquake but it wasn't a big deal.  The one scary one I experienced was when I lived in SoCal -- the 6.7 Northridge earthquake 20 years ago.

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Re: Earthquake: Northern CA

[ Edited ]

@chickenbutt wrote:

I've learned that sometimes the little ones can feel harsher than you'd expect.


When we were going through that phase, a few years ago, having hundreds of earthquakes a day for months, I was really shaken after a while and there wasn't anything larger than a 5.8 here.   Most of them were in the 1 to 3 range but you could feel the rumbling constantly and it became nerve-wracking after a while.


There were only a few in the 4s and 5s but I was really glad when that stopped.  It was centered pretty close to where I live, though.


Glad all is ok and hope it's not a precursor.  


It must be even worse for pets and other animals, especially as they feel the vibrations through their feet and into their bodies.