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Re: 🦅 Eagle Cam 🦅

@SoCal Bred wrote:

@Tinkrbl44  - Thank you for keeping us up to date on status of these precious chicks and their attentive parents😊



YES!!  YES!!   YES!! 

Thank y'all for keeping us informed.

"The voice of sanity is getting hoarse."  -   ("Whatever You Say, Say Nothing" by Irish Poet, Seamus Heaney (1939-2013))

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Re: 🦅 Eagle Cam 🦅

[ Edited ]

The little eaglets are so cute.  Hope the third one , who I call Little Margie.  lol seems to be a little weaker, but she's eating. She was born a little later too.  I am laughing about Shadow and Jacks weaving  their Blackbird feathers into the nest.  Nothing like rubbing salt in the wound to blackbirds passing by, lol.  Their Talisman?   lol. I am enjoying this so much!  I belong to to the Cornell Orintholgy group online, and enjoy their web vams as well. But this is not a common birthing at all. And THREE!!   We are lucky to have them.  I may be getting too attached, lol

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Re: 🦅 Eagle Cam 🦅

@shoekitty wrote:

The little eaglets are so cute.  Hope the third one , who I call Little Margie.  lol seems to be a little weaker, but she's eating. She was born a little later too.  I am laughing about Shadow and Jacks wearing their Blackbird feathers into the nest.  Nothing like rubbing salt in the wound to blackbirds passing by, lol.  Their Talisman?   lol. I am enjoying this so much!  I belong to to the Cornell Orintholgy group online, and enjoy their web vams as well. But this is not a common birthing at all. And THREE!!   We are lucky to have them.  I may be getting too attached, lol




Egg #3 was laid five days after Egg #1, so he's a little behind, but seems to be a quick study and is catching up.


THREE eggs is unusual ... most of the time with Bald Eagles they have two eggs ... and two eaglets.


Poor Jackie laid 2 eggs in both 2023 and 2024 and no eaglets came to be.  You could see her grieve last year.  She was devastated, and didn't want to leave them long after they should have hatched.  Shadow was patient and finally got her to leave and move on.  


Perhaps the Universe wanted to give her three this time to make up for her losses.  


Jackie and Shadow are a devoted couple and devoted parents ... and know what they need to do to take care of these furry little dolls.  Heart  Heart  Heart 



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Re: 🦅 Eagle Cam 🦅

@Tinkrbl44   As far as poop goes, all birds keep their nests clean as a rule.  . Birds poop and pee from same place.. Some birds, like song birds get these sacs, sorta like diapers. They eliminate and the sac fills, then the sac releases,... and birds take away.  And birds do eat it. lol. If nest gets bad they removes bad parts and replace. I don't know about eagles, I will look it up.  They may toss or eat it, but know they do keep clean.  Except maybe for doves or pigeons, they are slobs.  The mom never leaves nests unless scared.  Eagles eat such large quantities of food, and their Pooh can't be sparrow size, lol. PU Muerta, has to get rioe in there if they didn't do something. Lol

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Re: 🦅 Eagle Cam 🦅

@Tinkrbl44   My great friend in NV, lives close to the California border.  She has 2 eagles she has watched for a couple years. This year,everyone saw the mom n dad with two young kids in tow, lol.  They woukd take them out. Nest must have been close.  Today she noticed only one eaglet with mom n dad.  But maybe he will show up tomorrow.  The dad was swooping the field at a school during a track meet.  lol he was showing off his skills.  He would do his show then go to scoreboard perch on too, get applause, then do it again lol.  Free halftime entertainment. 

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Re: 🦅 Eagle Cam 🦅


Tonight, the wind is blowing and the branches are swaying.  It made me very nervous for Momma and her babies!


Then I checked the Weather Channel and it's blowing at about 15 MPH.   Still, it looks dangerous for the little ones!  

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Re: 🦅 Eagle Cam 🦅

I'm scared for them, Jackie is covered in snow and the wind is blowing very hard right now.