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Heat never bothered me when I was it zaps my energy.


I get my gardening done in the early morning....

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I have lived in the south my whole life so you would think I would be used to the heat and humidity but I am not.  It seems that the summers last longer and longer. They seem to start in March and last till November or December.   I feel like all I do is run from Ac to Ac.  I can add a sweater or coat or blanket and get warm but I can only take off so much to get cool.  Having said that I would not want the extreme snow and ice to deal with. 

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I don't like hot weather.  I don't sleep well.  I have zero energy.  I hate to cook when it is hot.  Unless I am in the pool or the temp is around 70 to 75 degrees I am miserable.  It has been hot and humid here for the past few weeks.  Upper 80's to mid 90's.  How weather just wears me out mentally and physically. 

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I am NOT A FAN of  super hot weather but hate  HUMIDITY even more.  My ideal temps are in the 50s and 60s.   It's invigorating!  Love to throw on a sweatshirt or a couple of layers.  Perfect hot soup days (although super hot weather is great for Pina Coladas!!!!).


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@chiclet  I was with you all the way , until not wanting the extreme snow and ice to deal with.    I don't care for the ice part as it is no fun to drive in and I have entertained a few people with my inability to walk so well on it    That said, I  love, love, love snow.   I am a snowman lover and collect them.  In mid Summer , we order a bakery cake with snowmen and have "Let It Snow " written on the cake.  lol


We just got our last power bill and when the ground shook, that wasn't an earthquake, it was me hitting the floor.  We can heat so much cheaper with gas than we cool with electric.   Living for November.

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Here in OK, there are heat warnings all summer long!  The temps are in very hi 90s with horrible humidity.  I HATE IT!!   

My mantra all summer long   "One day closer to Autumn"


The very second DH retires, we are headed back up north to God's Country!!!

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[ Edited ]






The heat and humidity saps all my energy---no outdoor activities for me in the summer, I stay in my air conditioned home........I basically hibernate until October and dont go out unless Im going to some place thats air conditioned!...................I cant wait until October when it's cooler and love "cold" weather....Texas style of "cold" that is...

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I live in SC, not too far from the GA border. While it has been hotter than "normal", this is not unusual for us. Seems like every few years we have a very hot summer--strings of days above 100--then the next year it'll settle back down to the mid-90's and stay that way for a few years.


I would LOVE to have 75 as a "normal summer temperature"! I hate the heat, but will take that over a northern winter any day.

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I've lived in the hot and humid south all of my life.  I hate the heat.  60 Degrees is hot enough for me.  I live my life right so I don't have to be in burning heat through eternity.  I work in a sweat shop too!  Took this job so that I could support myself after my divorce.  I love a pretty yard but I don't have one because of the heat and mosquitos.  I feel like I'm in punishment until the weather cools off.  Waiting for October to feel alive again.  Smiley Sad  

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The extreme heat drains my energy, I feel like a slug.  I'm not crazy about sweating but I tolerate it when I exercise.  However, if I'm out and about in street clothes and makeup, I feel miserable and sticky if I get sweaty.  I would be happy somewhere that never got above the 70s.  Other than driving in snow/ice, I do much better with colder temps.  I can dress accordingly and do what I want.