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In my opinion .. Frank was a great actor ....

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I asked my husband which singer he thought was the Best. He said he would put Elvis at the Top of the list.

I’m thinking maybe because of what one poster said here…he could sing Rock n Roll, Romantic ballads and Church Choir songs.

It was a Huge loss for all of us losing ALL of them. 😔

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All three had their own particular style and talent.🎼🎶🎵🎶


Interesting my grandson is into listening to Frank right now.🤔

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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@Oznell - my favorite Ella song is “So In Love”. She was in a class by herself.
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Agreed, @Cakers3 ,  each of them had uniquely fabulous performance traits, including that intagible, elusive "star quality" that is rare and so prized.


Keep up the good work with your grandson!  Similar story-we started 'inculcating' our son in the greats early on, so that at age five he could announce to his baffled cousins that his favorite singer was Sinatra...

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@deeva wrote:

I wouldn't put Elvis in the same category with Ella and Frank. 

He was a mediocre singer.

@deeva  I disagree.

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@StylishLady2 wrote:

Sinatra was so good---you could undestand every word he sang. Made some good movies too. If you saw the first "Manchrian Candidate" you already know.


Sinatra was asked what peeved him about singers.

His reply was that they didn't enunciate their words.