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Re: Duchess Meghan to accompany the Queen

@SydneyH wrote:

@chrystaltree wrote:

Meghan is definitey making us all proud.  I think especially because wasn't  born into wealth or high society.  She's just the "girl next door" who has the education, elegance, grace  to marry into the  Royal family and perform her duties as if she were born to it.  Obviously the Queen likes her and has a great deal of faith in her.

Please don't speak for everyone, I can decide whom makes me proud and she isn't on my list.


@SydneyH    ITA


@chrystaltree  That's why MM was "chosen" for this role of a lifetime. MM is not the girl next door.

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Re: Duchess Meghan to accompany the Queen

The comparisons between the Duchess of Cambridge and the Duchess of Sussex are a little illogical. Their public roles are dictated by their standing in the family.

Kate is refined and reserved. She is the future Queen and the mother of the future heir.
I think she's wonderful and she and William obviously are suited to the role, and are creating a warm family life for their children.

Meghan will have a lesser role in the monarchy, but nonetheless important in its own way.

I think the Queen chose her to come on the trip as a way to demonstrate her new membership in the family and their support of her.

I don't think the Queen likes one better than the other.

Furthermore, I honestly don't see the comparison to Diana. She was in her own league. There is no comparison.

Both Kate and Meghan are their own persons and will create their own legacy.

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Re: Duchess Meghan to accompany the Queen

@chrystaltree wrote:

Meghan is definitey making us all proud.  I think especially because wasn't  born into wealth or high society.  She's just the "girl next door" who has the education, elegance, grace  to marry into the  Royal family and perform her duties as if she were born to it.  Obviously the Queen likes her and has a great deal of faith in her.

@chrystaltree  So if Meghan had been born into wealth it would diminish her "elegance, education, and grace"?????


Sorry but Meghan isn't making "us" all proud. 


While I watched the wedding in real time and participated on threads in defense of Meghan and Harry, Meghan Duchess of Essex is not an ambassador or emissary from the USA to England.


As far as performing her duties, it's what she is required to do and has been undergoing training.  It's not like she just stepped into the role knowing all the ropes.


I enjoyed the engagement, the wedding, and I am very happy for her; but honestly Harry would not have been interested in a person with a less than stellar resume of her own making.

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Re: Duchess Meghan to accompany the Queen

@bathina wrote:

Would it be this one @shoekitty?

mm bag.jpg

Ooh, I like that but probably not very handy for carrying much!

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Re: Duchess Meghan to accompany the Queen

While I think they are making too much of this trip, it's good to know that the queen is spending time with both Kate and Meghan. 


Thinking back, I don't believe she ever bothered to spend any time with either Fergie or Diana, and let them fend for themselves.  You'd think she would have considered her daughters-in-law's training more carefully.    It was a serious mis-step as a MIL that, thankfully,  she is not making a second time.  

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Re: Duchess Meghan to accompany the Queen

@sunala wrote:

Maybe the Queen was a secret "Suits" watcher, and she's enamored by Megan's role in the show?


They're cozying up in that elaborate train coach as we speak, discussing all the characters and the stars who portrayed them.


"Megan dear, tell me more..."


😂 Thanks for the giggles, @sunala! So humorous to consider and also... not beyond the realm of possibilities. 


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Re: Duchess Meghan to accompany the Queen



Yes!!!  Except I like it in all one color.  It is a prize for sure.  I also love the zodiac bag.