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Drug screen for job- will this be an issue?

Hi, Ive been selected for a new job that pays a ton of money and is less stressful than what i do now. Very excited. Drug screen is no big deal except i take a med thats been reclassified as a narcotic, Tramadol. I have fibro and I take one pill at night. It has the opposite effect on me than most people. No matter how fatigued i am, it wakes me up in six hours. i plan on telling the people who do the drug screen, but do you think this could prevent me getting the job? Will it show up in the drug screen? FDA reclassified it Aug 2014. Theyve made the job offer, subject to drug screen and background check. Thoughts?
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Re: Drug screen for job- will this be an issue?

not if you disclose it upfront.......and take your Rx bottle with you so they can see it is indeed prescribed to you and by whom......................................raven

We're not in Kansas anymore ToTo
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Re: Drug screen for job- will this be an issue?

I would take your prescription bottle and disclose you take would resolve any questions.
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Re: Drug screen for job- will this be an issue?

It may disqualify you. It's no secret that doctors can be found who will prescribe drugs to anyone who wants them.

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Re: Drug screen for job- will this be an issue?

It's been my experience that, as long as you have a valid prescription, it should be fine.

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Re: Drug screen for job- will this be an issue?

Thank you! I will take the bottle. The script says take two a day, I take one as needed. Normally i wouldnt be worried. I dont drink and the meds I take for fibro are not addicting. Im allergic to codeine; makes me hyper and gives me insomia. Advil makes me sleepy. Smiley Happy
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Re: Drug screen for job- will this be an issue?

On 3/11/2015 occasional rain said:

It may disqualify you. It's no secret that doctors can be found who will prescribe drugs to anyone who wants them.

True, but if they do a r/x check, they woukd see that its only been filled twice in the last two years. With the crazy weather changes, it makes me ache more. 80 degrees today, 48 tomorrow. I wish Mother Nature woukd make up her mind.
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Re: Drug screen for job- will this be an issue?

On 3/11/2015 makeup addict said:
On 3/11/2015 occasional rain said:

It may disqualify you. It's no secret that doctors can be found who will prescribe drugs to anyone who wants them.

True, but if they do a r/x check, they woukd see that its only been filled twice in the last two years. With the crazy weather changes, it makes me ache more. 80 degrees today, 48 tomorrow. I wish Mother Nature woukd make up her mind.

I don't think they will do an r/x check.........the fact you are upfront that you take a certain medication for a particular disease.......and have a valid rx for it........everything up front and legal.........shouldn't have a problem in the world.......................raven

because IF you do have a problem......they have opened themselves up to a discrimination suit

We're not in Kansas anymore ToTo
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Re: Drug screen for job- will this be an issue?

Then her future company will know her medical history.

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Re: Drug screen for job- will this be an issue?

nope, as long as you have a prescription for it, you'll be fine. {#emotions_dlg.wub} best of luck on getting your new job.

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