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Re: Drinking alcohol on TV and movies?

OR...I had never heard of mead until a year ago. I've had some and like it, but being made from honey, it's sweet, and I can only drink a tiny bit.

I now see ads for whiskey and tequila tasting dinners....much like the wine dinners that have been popular in the past.

For those who think it's old men who drink these spirits...think again. Like with anything that's rising in's the younger crowd that's making it popular.

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Re: Drinking alcohol on TV and movies?

On 12/15/2014 happy housewife said:

I don't see having a drink as any worse than people who pop prescription drugs like Xanax or Zoloft every day.

I usually enjoy a glass of red wine while I cook dinner - and it is good for lowering cholesterol.

That is because you are a happy housewife.
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Re: Drinking alcohol on TV and movies?

On 12/15/2014 Georgie the 5th said:

Who could forget bourbon and branch. The favorite drink of Mr. J.R. Ewing.

What is "branch" ? {#emotions_dlg.confused1}

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Re: Drinking alcohol on TV and movies?

Have you been in a liquor store Hard liquor hasn't gone out of fashion and won't anytime in the near I know plenty of scotch, bourbon, vodka drinkers. Although, I never developed a taste for hard liquor. It's always been white wine or rose for me.

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Re: Drinking alcohol on TV and movies?

On 12/16/2014 Tinkrbl44 said:
On 12/15/2014 Georgie the 5th said:

Who could forget bourbon and branch. The favorite drink of Mr. J.R. Ewing.

What is "branch" ? {#emotions_dlg.confused1}

"Bourbon and branch" refers to Bourbon whiskey with plain water.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Drinking alcohol on TV and movies?

I started looking at Mike and Molly reruns. Nothing on early evening. The ladies are always guzzling wine.

Also what is Hoda drinking?

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Re: Drinking alcohol on TV and movies?

They've been doing this for years and years on the daytime soaps. Everyone seems to have a glass decanter display in their living rooms, mostly the "wealthy" in these shows. They start early in the day too.

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Re: Drinking alcohol on TV and movies?

On 12/15/2014 happy housewife said:

I don't see having a drink as any worse than people who pop prescription drugs like Xanax or Zoloft every day.

I usually enjoy a glass of red wine while I cook dinner - and it is good for lowering cholesterol.

We used to have next-door neighbors (quite a bit older than us) who would have cocktail hour every night commencing at 5:00 p.m. They were country club members and I thought they were so classy--just like in the movies.

Now I find myself doing the same thing. Relaxing with a glass of wine or a martini before dinner makes the whole dining experience more enjoyable.

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Re: Drinking alcohol on TV and movies?

I don't know anyone who keeps a filled decanter and glasses out. I know what the OP is speaking about. On the soaps you always see the character going to a decanter of alcohol in their office or home, pouring themself a glass and taking a swig.

We have a table in our living room that has door on it and shelves and that is where we keep our hard liquor. Then I have wine and beer in the fridge and we have some stuff that needs to be kept cold in the fridge in the garage.

Funny thing is, I will have a glass of wine in the evening but DH rarely has a beer at home. He might have one Christmas eve or if we are going in the hot tub he'll take a beer out. Other than that, he never drinks at home. A lot of his friends will have beer when they get home from work.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Drinking alcohol on TV and movies?

Kathie Lee and Hoda drink wine all the time at 10 in the morning. I watch the show "Modern Family" and they are always drinking wine and hard liquor. The Q sells wine and the hosts all sample the wine. Hard liquor seems to be making a comeback, it seems my parents' generation drank it, I don't know anyone in my generation who does, and now the younger people seem to be drinking scotch, vodka, tequilla, etc. I prefer wine but occasionally in the summer will make pina coladas or strawberry daiquiris with vodka, I hate Rum.