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Dreaming about Coronovirus - Argh!

[ Edited ]

Should have expected it for all the news I watch, along with being a world class dreamer...


1st one was upsetting - knew I was a goner and was frantically planning my own funeral.  Which is non-existent these days.  (Don't know why I just didn't go with my AWAKE plan:  "Here's a 5 gallon can of gasoline and a Bic lighter!  Then spread me over the lawn, make little things grow!!")  Woman Very Happy


2nd one WAS funny.  Consisted of me washing my hands over and over and over again.  Needs no analyzing. Woman Wink


Anyone else with an overloaded brain?

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Re: Dreaming about Coronovirus - Argh!

Goodness!  NO, I no longer can set through repeat, repeat, repeat all day long.  Not doing that to myself.  Some yes, all, no.

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Re: Dreaming about Coronovirus - Argh!

I, stopped watching the news. I, was developing a nervous tick, not pretty. But, for some reason i keep dreaming of my last job and the people their. Oh, now that seems to be my nightmare, doing the same job, and i'am so tired from my shift, and working with the public, i must try to get some sleep, because i worked hard in my nightmare. Retired for some years now, but still working and seeing co workers in my nightmare. Well, it would be a dream if i were getting paid.

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Re: Dreaming about Coronovirus - Argh!

I can't watch most of the news anymore either.  I seek out facts from epidemiologists and other specialists with education and training in the field.  They know what they're talking about.


I won't watch the certain politicians because anyone with half a brain knows they aren't telling the truth and care more about big business and the economy than people.  


I cringe listening to our governor who has her head in the sand and has said highly educated and experienced epidemiologists don't know what they're talking about.  


In the meantime, people are suffering and dying, small businesses are shuttering, and people are losing their jobs and incomes.  


My 88 yr old dad was watching too much news and was getting stressed beyond belief.  I talked to him and he cut way back and is now much calmer.  He still listens to the news but is pickier about who, what, when. 


Well, that turned into a bit of a rant.  You can agree or disagree, it doesn't matter to me.  We all have to vent at times.  Thanks for letting me do that.



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Re: Dreaming about Coronovirus - Argh!

[ Edited ]

Besides the regular news times, which I'm avoiding, daytime shows are interrupted with Breaking News. It's not news...SOS. At 1PM, we get a local report and appearance from governor with number of new cases and how many deaths. So, how does that help me in any way. 

I know the seriousness of this situation and that's why I've stayed home for almost 6 weeks. Even if I went out, who does not know, at this point, that everything is closed except essential businesses and the importance of masks & hand washing? The ones that find this "news" are most likely already sick. How could they have missed these incessant reports?


To stay somewhat mentally stable, no news for me...especially at night. DH sleeps like a rock, so if he wants news, there are other TVs in the house. That's now my rule here. Also no Colbert or Fallon or Kimmel at night. Don't need any jokes, comments about this situation.


Frankly, it doesn't help to hear the statistics repeatedly. Of  course, I sympathize w/ the loss the families are feeling, the hardships of the medical professionals, closed businesses and economic ruin and length of recovery. Can it not be reported 18 hours a day? It's not helpful or healthy for those having to stay at home. We're doing the best we can under these circumstances. 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Dreaming about Coronovirus - Argh!

I also had to quit watching the news -- I allow myself an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening now, just to get the facts.  


There was a discussion on the radio the other day that many people across the USA have reported weird dreams in recent weeks and some psychologists are studying it.  Which I thought was funny that someone would spend time studying it.   But, that said, I noticed that I have had some bizarre dreams recently and it was bothering me long before I heard the story on the radio.  I guess it makes sense since we're all worried and probably under some stress.   


* A woman is like a tea bag. You can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. *
- Eleanor Roosevelt