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Re: 🙀 Don’ Judge 🙀



It’s your life and your home; do whatever you want and don’t worry about it!




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Posts: 17,733
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: 🙀 Don’ Judge 🙀

No judgment here!  I just took all my stuff down at the end of January so I will not judge --- believe me!  It takes me like 3 days to put everything up and about the same to take it all down.  And DH helps with the tree!  It's a lot of work.  We all have to work at our own speed!  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,183
Registered: ‎07-10-2011

Re: 🙀 Don’ Judge 🙀

One of my sisters decorate her tree the week after Thanksgiving and takes it down during the Summer. No special month. Her children are 29, 18 and 17 and that's how long she's done this.


I ask her why doesn't she just leave it up until Christmas but they all say they prefer to take it down because then they could have fun decorating it again.  It's in a corner in the Family room so it's not in the way and it's a huge tree.