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Re: Does anyone else find these summer days endless

No, not really.


Other than not being able to get in the pool at the gym (because it's stll closed), my summer days are pretty much full and the same as always. 

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Re: Does anyone else find these summer days endless

My heart goes out to teachers who have survived the first months of online teaching. I retired five years ago and am so thankful I did not have to do this! I taught special needs students for many years and can’t shake my concern for how they are managing and how they could possibly be making the progress they deserve. My student who must read lips when the teacher wears a mask? How will she survive if they go back in the fall? I also worry about some of my former colleagues who are only 2-3 years away from retirement. They will be putting their health at risk every day they are in the classroom.
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Re: Does anyone else find these summer days endless

No, I am loving every day of this West Virginia summer!

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Re: Does anyone else find these summer days endless

For me these months have gone by so quickly.  I like my own company and that of My SO.  I have actually talked to more of my friends now where before it was just a quick text saying we have to get together sometime.

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Re: Does anyone else find these summer days endless

how do you pass the time?  Just curious!

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Re: Does anyone else find these summer days endless

@gellen I don't know, soon enough as you get to Fall and change the clock you say it's getting dark so early! Talk about endless days, I hate Winter, it seems to last for an eternity.

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Re: Does anyone else find these summer days endless

This whole year has been so awful.  I lost my job due to the Corona virus.  While I have worked at home for the past 10 years, losing my job has upset everything.  I cannot find interest in anything.  I hate summer anyway, so I know what you mean when you say the days are endless.  Sure wish things will get better.

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Re: Does anyone else find these summer days endless

No I love summer & it is over way to fast it is winter that lasts forever.

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Re: Does anyone else find these summer days endless

[ Edited ]



I'm just the opposite of you. but then I live in AZ so you can understand.  Winter is perfect! Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎07-21-2011

Re: Does anyone else find these summer days endless

[ Edited ]

@gellen  You are not alone.  There are a lot of single women of all ages that live alone.  I am retired and I enjoy my privacy.  Right now I have to keep a low profile due to a medical issue.  I work puzzles, play on the Internet, read and rest.  Right now it's the best I can do so i go with the flow.  I talk to friends on the phone and will see one in two weeks.  Be glad you are not sick or in the hospital.  I always say things could be worse.  Cheer up and think of things you can do.  Stores are opening in my area and hopefully they are in yours.  Books stores are fun or go to a movie.  And you can just shop without buying.  Yes, summer days are endless because it is so hot where I live.  90 degrees this week and next plus humid.

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