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Does Your Mate/spouse know your cellphone password?

 Would you give it to them if they ever ask for it?

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Re: Does Your Mate/spouse know your cellphone password?

[ Edited ]

We don't have a password on our phones or computers. Why? No reason IMO. I don't have anything to hide so anyone could use it.  

DH would always run to my phone to check messages. I told him to stop because when he does that I forget & don't see the texts. I don't run to his phone when he gets a message. Since he's retired now his phone is always on his desk & my phone is always sitting on my desk. 

All sounds on my phone are turned off or down. I just pick it up every once in a while to see if I have any texts. 


I guess I didn't answer your question. If I did have a password & DH asked for it I would ask why but yes I would give it to him. If you cannot trust your spouse/mate issues will occur.

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Re: Does Your Mate/spouse know your cellphone password?

My spouse knows my password because we use the same one (though my main way of accessing is via thumbprint), not that I think he would ever go into my phone without my permission.  


I'm not sure how I would feel if he asked me for it, I think it would tick me off because it would imply that he doesn't trust me or would want to go into my phone without my knowledge.  I have nothing to hide, but I don't believe in invading a spouse's privacy.  Though I guess if I thought he was up to something sketchy, I might change my mind about not wanting to invade his privacy!

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Re: Does Your Mate/spouse know your cellphone password?

I would share it just in case something happens to me.  Having names and numbers is helpful if friends need to be notified in case of emergency.


I have no juicy secrets so accessing my texts wouldn't bring up anything I wouldn't want anyone to see. Smiley Wink

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Re: Does Your Mate/spouse know your cellphone password?

[ Edited ]

@aj1980 My response is that same as @DSD2 


My late DH had no password either.


I do have a password on my laptop but my BIL has it, just in case.

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Re: Does Your Mate/spouse know your cellphone password?

@Nightowlz I only have security on my phone in case I ever lose it.  Don't want to make it easy for someone to get access to everything on my phone.  I use biometrics for most of my apps, but still wouldn't want anyone to be able to get to my contacts, personal photos etc.

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Re: Does Your Mate/spouse know your cellphone password?

no, he does not know how to get into my phone.

not sure why he would ask, but i guess if he did i would give it to him.

one of my daughters knows how to get into my phone.

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Re: Does Your Mate/spouse know your cellphone password?

@aj1980  DH knows my password to my phone and computer. His phone is touch password only, because he uses it for work. But I know his computer password. Our children know our passwords as well, but our grandchildren don't. I'm not sure why you wouldn't want your spouse to know.

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Re: Does Your Mate/spouse know your cellphone password?

I have his and have told him mine though I don't know that he would know. Neither of us are going to use it to check into what we are doing on either; it is in case of emergency and either of us needs access to anything on either's devices.  We are at an age where there is nothing interesting to hide and we have to worry about emergency access.  

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Re: Does Your Mate/spouse know your cellphone password?

Of course he knows the password. And if he forgets it and needs it, I'll remind him.