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Re: Do you wish the time change would end?

Yes, switch to DST!!!   Saves energy!

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Re: Do you wish the time change would end?

[ Edited ]

@CatsyCline wrote:

the daylight length changes with the Earth's position., hence the clocks change.   the tilt of the EARTH shifts.  Days are longer in WA state.  in May the Seattle daylight is until 9:00 PM! how do they get kids to sleep!  In New England, daylight til 8:30pm and only at the Solstice.     if you live in  TX, NM, FL, CA, AZ you have longer days period. You have more sun and warmth.  You have more season to plant crops and gardens. i remember going on a business trip to DFW.  i lived in MA then. it was dark well before 6:00PM in late September and in DFW still light out til after 7. the sun never seemed to set. AND Hot.

Shoekitty said, its probably no harder  to go to sleep with daylight later,  than living in Alaska.  They have dark for most of day or light.  They get blinds.   Personally, more darkess daily leads to many other things, depression, weigh gain, vitamin disorders.  Not a lot....but doesnt help  its only a few hours more light  about 3 hours for us. Many people work nights, they adjust to sleeping in day. The energy it saves would be great.   Justmy thoughts

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Re: Do you wish the time change would end?

@shoekitty     the short daylight in the fall/winter bums me out so i tried using a Light Box last October and used it all winter.  Just had a couple hours in the morning with my coffee and computer work. Best $50 bucks i ever spent it has a timer with brightness and hue adjustments.


my mom put me and my sister to bed at 7pm when it was still daylight out all summer. we couldnt get to sleep!

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Re: Do you wish the time change would end?

I like it as it is. I don't mind changing clocks just twice a year. It's tradition, and I like tradition. In spring, it meant summer was on the way, school ending and vacation soon. In fall it meant Thanksgiving with Christmas catalogs arriving in the mail.

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Re: Do you wish the time change would end?

I thought they tried this in the past and it did not go well.

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Re: Do you wish the time change would end?

I wish they would keep it daylight savings, and stop with the changing of the clocks.

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Re: Do you wish the time change would end?

I heard on the news yesterday 3/15 that it is up for vote and if it passes it will be effective in the fall of 2023.

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Re: Do you wish the time change would end?

@shoekitty wrote:

Yes, switch to DST!!!   Saves energy!

How does ot save energy?  People have to heat/cool their houses the same number of hours.  Lights are turned on in the morning rather than the evening. 

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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Re: Do you wish the time change would end?

@RetRN wrote:

I thought they tried this in the past and it did not go well.

I just read an article (in Washingtonian) about this.


Jan 6, 1974 with DST full time, it was supposed to be a 2 year period but because of the darkness in the winter mornings they said quite a few kids were either killed or injured while walking to school in the dark (some schools adjusted their start time); some governors asked Congress to repeal the measure. Finally in Aug 1974 Bob Dole introduced an Amendment to end the DST experiment early.

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Re: Do you wish the time change would end?

I wish they would stay on DST.


I was so happy when we sprang forward Saturday.  It was so nice to come out of work Monday, go to a 6:00 appointment, come out at 7:00 and still have daylight.  It just puts me in a better mood.