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Re: Do you send holiday cards? Why?

Yes, we do but just to very close friends and family. This year several of those people thanked us but said they will not be reciprocating as they've given up card sending. I think it's a dying custom. I can't see our kids carrying it on. They never use snail mail for anything. Why do we send them? Habit, nostalgia.

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Re: Do you send holiday cards? Why?

I do...but not as many as I used to. Probably about 25 or so. I do it to keep in touch and as a reminder of the hope and peace we can have in our hearts because a Savior was born.

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Re: Do you send holiday cards? Why?

I buy a box of 10 or 12 cards from Hallmark - cuz I stopped sending cards to those I see on a frequent basis. Now I only send out one to those I receive who are usually only those out of state. With what I'm getting this year I may be able to faze them out altogether by next year and that works for me.

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Re: Do you send holiday cards? Why?

I haven't sent any for a few years now and neither do my friends and family. A waste of time and money for something that just goes in the trash anyway.

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Re: Do you send holiday cards? Why?

I design my own cards and enjoy writing messages on them. Others do as they wish.

As I recall growing up, people kind of sent cards as business good-will gestures a lot of the time. It was a custom and people followed the custom.

These days, no one writes or sends cards unless they want to, and for that reason, I value them all the more.

I've received about 20 so far and none have been from local businesses, which is fine with me. All have been from close friends.

I am sending mine (knock wood) tomorrow. I don't know how many it will be, but it's not a huge number. Usually between 30 and 40. And I love doing it. I've sent some today in gift packages as well.

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Re: Do you send holiday cards? Why?

On 12/19/2014 Burnsite said:

I design my own cards and enjoy writing messages on them. Others do as they wish.

As I recall growing up, people kind of sent cards as business good-will gestures a lot of the time. It was a custom and people followed the custom.

These days, no one writes or sends cards unless they want to, and for that reason, I value them all the more.

I've received about 20 so far and none have been from local businesses, which is fine with me. All have been from close friends.

I am sending mine (knock wood) tomorrow. I don't know how many it will be, but it's not a huge number. Usually between 30 and 40. And I love doing it. I've sent some today in gift packages as well.

That's wonderful that you design your own cards! I have a friend who does that also, so I know how much work goes into it. I haven't started mine yet, either, but there should be time for me to catch up this weekend. Merry Christmas Smiley Happy
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Re: Do you send holiday cards? Why?

Hi, Noel, Merry Christmas!

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Re: Do you send holiday cards? Why?

I have done all my cards and sent them out about 10 days ago. I have been filling mine out weekly when I get my iron infusions. I do my infusions in the same room where the chemo patients get their infusions and I noticed a lady doing hers there. I thought, brilliant. I am in a comfy chair with a little pull out desk and it took me 3 infusions to get them all done.

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Re: Do you send holiday cards? Why?

I'm running late this year. So being they are 'holiday' cards, I'll send them for New Year's. BTW, is it too late to send local Hanukkah/holiday cards?

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Do you send holiday cards? Why?

I love sending Christmas cards, but didn't send any this year. I even bought new ones, but just never got them out. This year kinda got away from me.