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Do you only have liability car insurance?


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Re: Do you only have liability car insurance?

Full coverage but I still stayed off the roads today, tomorrow and probably the next as well.  To much snow out there for me ! Woman LOL

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Re: Do you only have liability car insurance?

Regardless where you live everyone should carry FULL COVERAGE. The percentage of drivers with NO INSURANCE has skyrocketed 😔
I don't live where is snows, buy I love looking at snow 😎
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Re: Do you only have liability car insurance?

 I had just liability insurance on my wife's Kia at the age of about 14 years old and low mileage and I had seen a bad car accident and I added full coverage to her car and a couple of years she got into a car accident and car was totalled.having only 74 thousand miles on it and it was 16 years old we still got 42 hundred dollars for it. So that was our down payment for the new 2023 Kia shortage we bought in June 2022. So glad I added full coverage to older car and we have full coverage on the new car. 

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Re: Do you only have liability car insurance?

I did on my Toyota 2012

It makes no sense on an older car because of its low value.

I bought a new car in 2022 and of course went full coverage.

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Re: Do you only have liability car insurance?

Yes, I have full coverage...but also a "problem".    My car is NOW worth $20,000 MORE than I paid for it...

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Do you only have liability car insurance?

Always full coverage.  I drive a 1997 Jeep Wrangler.

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Re: Do you only have liability car insurance?

Just liability insurance.  We drive old vehicles as DH will buy them new, take excellent care and drive them until the wheels fall off..........our cars are at that point now so it's just not worth the price of full coverage on them.   Family laughs at us but we're not paying crazy car payments either!

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Re: Do you only have liability car insurance?

We don't usually have to deal with snow but rainy days brings out people who apparently have never been behind the wheel before. We have a horrible amount of uninsured drivers here in SC so I carry full insurance on my old car. I discussed this at length with my insurance carrier and decided that, since I own my home, it's best to carry full coverage.

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Re: Do you only have liability car insurance?

Full coverage for me, I'm afraid not to.