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Re: Do you leave your car unattended when warming it up?....

We were told that there was no need to warm up our car more than 60 seconds. Seems to work so far. The car runs fine with doing this even when it is below freezing.

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Re: Do you leave your car unattended when warming it up?....

I NEVER leave my car running unless I'm in it!

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Re: Do you leave your car unattended when warming it up?....

A  week ago, our local news reported a vehicle being stolen.


 A man started his SUV to warm it up and left the keys inside


while he went back indoors. He was surprised to discover that


his Range Rover was gone !!   Too Trusting or Dumb ?

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Re: Do you leave your car unattended when warming it up?....

Yes, in the driveway. I'm not sitting in a car when it's -7. I'm just happy it starts in that weather.

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Re: Do you leave your car unattended when warming it up?....

We do not do this......but unfortunately, our neighbors do.  

Our homes are rather close and their driveway is right next to our bedroom.  They start their minivan at 4:30 AM and it runs for about a half hour, no lie!  The main problem with that is the vehicle is loud, don't know if it's the muffler or what, but we are serenaded by their idling vehicle every morning Smiley Sad

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Re: Do you leave your car unattended when warming it up?....

Our cars are in the garage but my car gets so hot so fast (and has seat warmers) that I could bake cookies on the seat!

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Re: Do you leave your car unattended when warming it up?....

Generally no, but I'm not worried about it getting stolen. I live in a teeny tiny town, multiple law enforcement and fire dept live on my street. Crime is virtually unheard of here. 

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Re: Do you leave your car unattended when warming it up?....

[ Edited ]

I have remote start on my car.  At home my car is in the garage but the garage is not heated.  I open the door and start it in the morning when i's really cold.


I also start it in my parking lot at work before I get in it to go home for the night but again, only if it's really cold outside. 


In order to use the remote start my car has to be locked.  The key has to be put in the ignition and then turned so anyone breaking in, even though it's running aren't going to be able to do anything.


I warm up the car for me to be warm but warming up a car isn't a myth.  Ask people in Minnesota or other parts where it gets super cold.  The amount of gas that car is going to burn for 5-10 minutes is negligible.  

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Re: Do you leave your car unattended when warming it up?....

I have a remote start, and warm mine up before I leave work,however my job has secure parking and you would have to get past the Guardhouse to get in, so no problem there, in the morning my husband gets my car out of the garage and warms it for me, so an hour later when I leave it is not that cold, however the last few days it has been extremely cold here so I will remote start it, however the doors stay locked, and you can not drive it when it is in that mode, unless you have the keys on you.........  

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Re: Do you leave your car unattended when warming it up?....

I always do this but not to warm up the car but to clear the frost and ice off it.  I don't have a garage so I let it run in my driveway with the defrosters going full blast.