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Re: Do you have the local newspaper delivered to your home?

I read the local paper online but I get the Washington Post delivered Sundays only. I like the Parade and the Post magazine and that's the day all the coupons come.

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Re: Do you have the local newspaper delivered to your home?

We get home delivery, always have. They bill us yearly, I think it's somewhere around $150. for the year, but we've never paid full price. Word gets around, call them and they'll cut that price way down. This time we got 2 years for $80.00. My dh likes to read it, I could do without it. Oh, and it's 7 days a week.

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Re: Do you have the local newspaper delivered to your home?

On 6/21/2014 gazelle77 said: We have The Seattle Times delivered 7 days a week. It costs $98.00 for 13 weeks. The paper seems to be more ads now than anything.... Still, I just could not imagine not getting the paper each day....I know it is a dying breed.


Never Forget the Native American Indian Holocaust
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Re: Do you have the local newspaper delivered to your home?

Do you have the local newspaper delivered to your home?

Did for many years. Decided to cut back expenses and that was one of them. Our paper began to get to politically one sided, and not the side I believe, so that added to the decision. My wife never read it much except on the weekends so she didn't really care one way or the other.

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Re: Do you have the local newspaper delivered to your home?

I get the town newspaper delivered, it covers three or four surrounding towns and is very useful for keeping abreast of community events.

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Re: Do you have the local newspaper delivered to your home?

I get the paper delivered every day and have all my life, just as my parents did.

My cousin was the managing editor of my city's paper for many years and we all enjoy reading.

My son and I both started reading the daily box scores from about age 7 on. People were amazed at watching a second grader sitting down reading the paper from front to back! He was also the local paper boy from age 12-15. He enjoyed getting the inserts with the comics on Wednesday.

The average television news story is 60 seconds in length. I prefer the extra information you get through the written word.

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Re: Do you have the local newspaper delivered to your home?

Yes, I've gotten a local newspaper for about two decades. Sometimes when I think about ways to cut back expenses, I think about dropping the paper, but I never go through with it. We generally give our Sunday paper to the neighbor lady so she can check out the sales at the grocery store (she buys whatever meat is on sale and has the butcher pack them up in individual serving sizes).

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Re: Do you have the local newspaper delivered to your home?

What is this word....newspaper? Smiley Very Happy

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Re: Do you have the local newspaper delivered to your home?

No. I read it online every morning - all I care about are lead stories, police blotter and obits, which are all available free online.

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Re: Do you have the local newspaper delivered to your home?

Our town has a local paper that is a daily but we do not subscribe, we read it at the office...but on Sunday we have the Sunday paper delivered it is from the large city about an hour from us. DH likes to see the ads........