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Re: Do you have a Farmer's Market in your town?

I live in a small beach town of maybe 20,000 people. We have two farmer's markets, but I think that only one is actually certified (which I believe means that their produce has to come from a farm, not sure). The certified one is every Wednesday in a grassy area that attracts families, and the other is every Wednesday on our Promenade near the pier -- both are within easy walking distance.


Somehow, though, I find that I don't patronize them that often. But I should right now for the amazing strawberries from local farms, since the store ones are usually flavorless.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: Do you have a Farmer's Market in your town?

We have several farmers' markets in our area.  One is open all year and has many specialty items.  One is at a large indoor market with many stores other than produce.


Our two seasonal ones have just opened.  One is purely fresh fruits and vegetables.  The other is in our local park and it is every Friday afternoon.  They opened yesterday and only had a few vendors, but there was a vegetable vendor, plant vendor, local honey vendor, and egg vendor.  There were also several food trucks.  Usually, there are many more options; but, the weather really has not been in our favor, which is probably why we only had a few.  

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!
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Re: Do you have a Farmer's Market in your town?

No.   There is one small produce market open from May thru September; the produce comes out of NC.   A few farmers sell at the weekly flea market, but our only year round option is the grocery store.   

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Re: Do you have a Farmer's Market in your town?

4 days a week in different locations that are relatively close by. i believe only one has opened so far.

have not been yet. it is still a bit early for some of the really good stuff.


we also have farm trucks that sit on the side of the road in different public locations with produce......fruits and vegetables.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Do you have a Farmer's Market in your town?

Our town has one, but it's not worth the drive.  The next town has a large farmers market from somewhere around mid May to October.  It's open Saturday mornings.  It sells everything and there are food vendors.

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Re: Do you have a Farmer's Market in your town?

This topic brought back a ton of memories and sadness.  About 6 years ago, we moved from a southern town out here to the desert of Arizona.  The town we moved from had the GREATEST Farmer's Market ever!   (I am sure others will debate me on that)!  But I would go every Saturday and load up from the farmer's trucks parked outside - watermelon, squash, tomatoes, green beans, onions, corn, and on and on.  Cheap prices too!!   I surely miss that Farmer's Market!

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Re: Do you have a Farmer's Market in your town?

Oh heavens yes, I live in the South, and we have a State Farmer's Market, a local Curb Market, and the Farmer's Mkt. that comes to a huge local shopping area on Saturday's during the summer (Country comes to the City, LOL)!


Fresh fruits and vegetables, plants of all types (where I buy my ferns for my front porch) and homemade jellies, cakes, etc.!

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Re: Do you have a Farmer's Market in your town?

There are many of them where a live.  I don't make a habit of shopping there because everything is too expensive.


my brother goes there on the last day they are open for the week and buys everything the vendor has for a discounted price.  Sometimes he buys from a meat vendor and sometimes a fruit and veggie vendor.  They do not take their wares home, but sell them cheap for cash while they are cleaning up and closing.


my brothers gets so much stuff that he shares with family and just can't be get whatever is left and didn't sell.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Do you have a Farmer's Market in your town?

Every nearby community has one. We frequent a Sunday one after we leave church. It's a fun way to support local growers and craftspeople.

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Registered: ‎07-26-2014

Re: Do you have a Farmer's Market in your town?

I live in Joisey.  The whole state is one big farmers market. Smiley LOL

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