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Re: Do you have a Farmer's Market in your town?

@Mz iMac wrote:

I live in Joisey.  The whole state is one big farmers market. Smiley LOL

@Mz iMac.  After all, NJ is the garden state.

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Re: Do you have a Farmer's Market in your town?

Yes, but the produce is very expensive, think Whole Foods on steroids.  I look for the organic products, but purchase very little.

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Re: Do you have a Farmer's Market in your town?

[ Edited ]

@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

@Mz iMac wrote:

I live in Joisey.  The whole state is one big farmers market. Smiley LOL

@Mz iMac.  After all, NJ is the garden state.

Thank you for the laugh.

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Re: Do you have a Farmer's Market in your town?

Yes, we have one year round in Santa Barbara. We go every week without fail. Went this morning. we know all of the vendors and enjoy running into friends and chatting with the vendors about their products. Most are organic and non gmo.

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Re: Do you have a Farmer's Market in your town?

Not in our town, but the next town over and we have several in our county. Also we live near Mennonite markets (as in little outdoor stands and 2 indoor mini stores). I too love to go to the markets and the local stands/stores.

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Re: Do you have a Farmer's Market in your town?

Not the most glamorous looking, but we are close by several farmers' markets.


My DM went there every single Saturday, and we all made fun of it and hated to go there! For me, it was because of the way it looked! Here I am years later. We always get all our meats from there.

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Re: Do you have a Farmer's Market in your town?

There is one in our town, but it is so crowded you have to wait for a parking space. The past few years we drive 25 minutes out of town to a smaller one that is worth the trip.

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Re: Do you have a Farmer's Market in your town?

Yes many.   The food is incredible, it for sure comes directly from the farm.   I love tomatoes so much I can almost tell the difference in taste of the various varieties.   There's a "mountain" nearby that produces the most wonderful tomatoes.  I wait all year for them.  I live in the foothills of the Appalachians.  This market below is in town, takes up an entire city block.   In winter it's mostly meat products, eggs, bread products, etc, summer is fresh fruits & veggies.   This picture is just a small representation

pepper place.jpg

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Re: Do you have a Farmer's Market in your town?

[ Edited ]


Yep several of them all around town..........The vegetables taste so much better..........One of them is run by a church and the money goes to charity and the prices are great--its my favorite one to go to...........


Image result for cat at farmers market


P.S.a discosure this isnt a picture of the one Im talking about, couldnt find a photo of that one....but if that furbaby was at one in my town, Id certainly shop at it, although it looks like this kitty ate all the inventory...Cat LOLCat Very HappyCat Wink 

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Re: Do you have a Farmer's Market in your town?

Yes! Nothing like fresh veggies straight from the farms and we love to support our local farmers!Heart

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