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Re: Do you donate toys to Toys for Tots.....

No. My donations always go to a local no-kill shelter. I give them money throughout the year and blankets, toys, and food several times a year.

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Re: Do you donate toys to Toys for Tots.....

Yes we donate toys or we give them a check every year. I thought it was important to bring our kids to Toys R Us and have each of them pick out a toy that they'd like to have, knowing that they would be donating it Toys for Tots.

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Re: Do you donate toys to Toys for Tots.....

On 12/10/2014 mominohio said:
On 12/10/2014 vermint said:

We've done Toys for Tots in the past, also donated toys & other things to our local Ronald McDonald House. But a few years ago, my church started doing an Angel Tree, so we usually pick a child from that. The last two years, however, someone in our Sunday School class has had difficulty providing Christmas for their children (long, very sad stories). That's where our $'s have gone.

Everyone does what they see as important with their charitable donations, but doesn't it feel good to help so 'close to home'? I love when the charity or help I give is as local or personal as possible. That doesn't mean the recipient has to know it is from me, I just like that I'm doing good right in my own neighborhood.

It does feel good to keep it close to home! This year, the mother knows WHERE the money is coming from, of course...but she has no idea who in the class does or does not give, or how much. And we know she really needs the help! She's able to put food on the table and provide basic necessities, but her husband is in prison, one child has severe medical issues, and there just isn't anything left over for "fun".

I so wish there was REALLY a Santa Claus! Then NO child who believes would ever wake up on Christmas morning to no gift. But we do what we can!