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Re: Do you believe in karma?


you read my exact thoughts and feelings on this subject!


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Re: Do you believe in karma?

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Re: Do you believe in karma?

I'd like to believe that greedy, dishonest people will get their due one day..but it doesn't usually happen.  

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Re: Do you believe in karma?

[ Edited ]

I dont know if this is considered karma but I know people who said things about others and it came back to hit them in their family. Such as people judging other people or their children, and then someone in their family did the same thing. One instance; Someone had a teen pregancy and they were all gossipy like it was terrible, and well bingo their teen got pregnant later. (Thats just one example) But I dont consider that karma. I consider that watch what you say and dont judge others, because it could come back. Period.


To me karma would be somone physically or mentally harms someone and then someone does that to them or they get ill later after having been mean to people. No, I dont believe that happens to people. Or there would be alot of criminals getting paid back, which theyre not.

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Re: Do you believe in karma?

Yes I do believe in Karma but we are not always there to see it coming around ( darn it). It always does sooner or later.

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Re: Do you believe in karma?

i think karma can take any form for any bad or negative action if it warrants it.

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Re: Do you believe in karma?


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Re: Do you believe in karma?








Happy Labor Day


Of course not. I believe in God.

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Re: Do you believe in karma?

No, I don't really believe in karma.


I think it's just something that we tell ourselves in order to feel better. "Karma will get them one day!" 


Truth is, we just assume that karma will "get them", when in fact it may never happen.


It's almost like, we take great joy, in seeing others suffer.


And yes, sometimes some people do deserve to suffer.

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Re: Do you believe in karma?

There is the traditional Hindu/Buddhist belief, and there is the morphed/illegitimatized "what goes around comes around", "you get what you give" version. I tend to believe in the first, and I want to believe in the second, though it usually takes too darn long.

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