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Re: Do you arrive early for work and other events?

I don't do late........for anything, period.

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Re: Do you arrive early for work and other events?

@willdob3 wrote:

If I get to work an hour early it is because I'm getting paid for overtime. Otherwise I arrive an appropriate 10-15 minutes early. That is about how early I am for other events, too, unless the situation calls for something different. 

I was taught by male bosses to not "give away my time". 


I get to work maybe 10 minutes early, if that. Our time must be accounted for. No paid OT as I'm salary but I can work for comp time.



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Re: Do you arrive early for work and other events?

@Moonchilde wrote:

@151949 wrote:

OK I have to ask this - many here said they like to get to events early so they can pee - I am led to wonder - don't you people pee before you leave home?How often do you all pee?If I go before I leave home I am easily good for about 4 hours before I'll need to go again.I certainly would not have to go again when I arrive if I went before I left home. I'd much rather pee at home before I leave than in a public rest room.



You know, people could choose to respond to this, but I'm taking the (much) higher road than you did in even writing the post, and just LM*O and SMH.

But @Moonchilde, this is QVC, where the queens of oversharing meet the doyennes of inappropriate queries and guts get spilled. For some of us, bladder capacity and potty habits = TMI. For others . . . heaven help us.

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Re: Do you arrive early for work and other events?

I don't like to be early--it's a waste of time.  I don't want to be late either.  I'm an on-time person.  I really hate to sit and wait for something.  And no, I'm not interested in taking something to do either.  It's waiting, which is to me stressful.

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Re: Do you arrive early for work and other events?

I arrrive 10 to 15 minutes early for everything (I dont work anymore but I did the same for work) I would never arrive sooner than that. My husband goes to work 30 minutes early and for some of his Dr. appts early too thinking they will take him earlier, but they dont take him early anyway (so why bother? lol).


My (adult) daughter is late for everything. I have actually kept track since 1999. My daughter has only been on time for my (2nd) wedding when I remarried, and she was on time for my dads funeral. All other times she has been late since 1999 up to now. I have even tried lying about the time, and she is still late. My (adult) son is always on time!

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: Do you arrive early for work and other events?

That's an easy one...always early.

The moving finger writes; And having writ, Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line Nor all your Tears Wash out a Word of it. Omar Khayam
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Re: Do you arrive early for work and other events?

I cannot believe that there are so many people like me.  I never seem to run into any of you.  Most people seem to be late and trying to run over everyone on the road.  Being early does not bother me like it used to since I have my phone and kindle to keep me busy while waiting.  If you want to get me aggravated make me wait for you to show up late to meet me or for dinner.  I used to tell my employees to be at work and ready to go at the correct time.  They would slide in a minute early and then take 30 minutes to get coffee, call someone, fix makeup etc.   Grrrr

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Re: Do you arrive early for work and other events?

I am pretty much an on time person. I hate waiting and I do not like people waiting for me either.


I really hate people that are habitually late .... it is like, "How can you NOT know what time it is, EVER ??!!". 

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Re: Do you arrive early for work and other events?

Big pet peeve of ours is late people. We greet at our church and it just blows us away how late MANY MANY people are, we are talking 20 + minutes, which means made us late into church. We were missing all the worship songs so now we go to the service before and greet after.

We arrive early everywhere we go. I have a few friends that run late, we've talked about it they laugh and have no excuse.....sigh!

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Re: Do you arrive early for work and other events?

@house_cat ... I'm quite a bit like you. I like to arrive early at events, appointments, etc. also. When I worked, I would get there an hour early to get myself organized for the day...and so I could have a cup of hot tea and relax a little while I was doing so. Nothing like flying into your job location at the last minute and jumping to it immediately. By that time, I am already stressed out. I don't show up at people's houses an hour early, but I am timely. I also have done dry runs if I don't know how long it will take to get there or where the exact location is.

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