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Re: Do you always put back your shopping cart?

i take it back into the store or put it in the cart corral in the parking lot.

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Re: Do you always put back your shopping cart?

I don't have any judgment to make on whether someone puts back a grocery basket or not.  You have to go way some more than that for me to classify you as a barbarian.  

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Re: Do you always put back your shopping cart?

Yes!  And I've been known to rearrange the carts in the corral when someone has put theirs back all wonky.  Smiley LOL

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Re: Do you always put back your shopping cart?


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Re: Do you always put back your shopping cart?

YES, always.  We all sound like such nice people.

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Re: Do you always put back your shopping cart?

I always park near where you drop off your shopping cart. I can't see just leaving it in the parking lot where it's likely to roll into a park car and dent it. 

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Re: Do you always put back your shopping cart?

We insert a quarter into a little box on each cart from the coral or in the lined up carts outside the grocery store. When we return the cart to the coral, we attach the one we are returning to the last one in the coral via a chain gizmo and that pops our quarter back.  This really helps with people returning their cart.  Of course some still leave them in the lot so I or others can make a few cents by returning those.  It does keep most carts from being left to damage our cars.  I also return them when there is no quarter involved.

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Re: Do you always put back your shopping cart?

Yes, either back at the store or in the cart enclosure. Most times i'll put a stray one away.

I also really appreciate it when someone coming in offers to take my cart with them!

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Re: Do you always put back your shopping cart?

Yes.  I don't go after stray carts.

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Re: Do you always put back your shopping cart?

Yes always do.