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Re: Do dogs really go to heaven?

Well since I haven't been there yet to confirm your question, I have to believe the answer is yes.

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Re: Do dogs really go to heaven?

I am so sorry for your lost. We just lost our Sandy and our Max.. And to answer your question .. Yes, all animals go to heaven.

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Re: Do dogs really go to heaven?

Yes, Yes and Yes. The good Lord takes care of his fur babies, all of them. I am so sorry for your loss and my prayers and thoughts are with you. I know your baby is with all of my babies and probably sneaking extra treats. Take good care.

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Re: Do dogs really go to heaven?

I'm so sorry, Nantucket. Yes, I believe they go to heaven (cats, too!) I remember reading a book years ago where the author died, but was revived. He said he was going towards the light and he saw his favorite little black dog that he had as a boy. When I read that, I became a believer.

I still cry over losing my first mini schnauzer, who went to the Bridge in 1991. {{hugs}}

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Re: Do dogs really go to heaven?

To be honest, I just don't know for sure. I mean, it's a wonderful thought to believe that they do, but I don't believe pets/animals have souls like we do. They don't have the same kind of logic and don't make the same kind of reasoned choices. Even so, we know that not one sparrow falls to the ground without God knowing about it. If a person wants to believe their beloved pets go to Heaven, I don't think it hurts anything if it provides them with some level of comfort. If a Believer gets to Heaven and his dog or cat isn't there, I don't think they're going to mind because Heaven will be glorious and all it's intended to be, and no one who arrives there is going to complain.

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Re: Do dogs really go to heaven?

Nantucket - I'm very sorry for your loss. I can only imagine the pain and anguish you are feeling. Let the tears flow for a time, but then find comfort and joy in the memories of your beloved companion. Sending you a cyberhug.

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Re: Do dogs really go to heaven?

My sweet little docile Sugarbear (kitty) is in heaven. I believe our beloved pets are in that most special place, otherwise we would never be at peace when we leave this earth. In my father's house are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you. If it were not so I would have told you. Nantucket, I know how much it hurts to let our furbabies go, but we are releasing them to a better place where they can be whole once again.
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Re: Do dogs really go to heaven?

Yes they do! My boxer Elvis is waiting for me.

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Re: Do dogs really go to heaven?

If animals don't go to heaven then sorry to say I'd have to question whether or not one really exists...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
Super Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-11-2014

Re: Do dogs really go to heaven?

I'm so sorry about the loss of your beloved little dog. Smiley Sad

I was taught in church that animals didn't possess a soul and therefore they didn't go to Heaven when they died. I found this notion very sad & depressing.

But then I saw Jack Van Impe's video entitled, "Animals in Heaven" and I am happy to say that the information in this video convinced me that not only will our pets live on in the afterlife, they will be with us in Heaven!

This video changed my outlook on caring for pets. Whereas before I felt no hope of ever seeing my dear departed pets, I now look forward to seeing all of my beloved pets who have died and are waiting in Heaven for me. I am now free to love my pets without reservation knowing that I will NEVER really lose them!

Here is a link to the video. It will help you understand the reasons God is including the animals in the afterlife. Thanks to Rev. Impe for making this video. Smiley Happy

May the Lord comfort you today and mend your broken heart with his great love. Smiley Happy