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I've always had a young sounding voice.  I was always asked if my mother was home.  now, at 84 people still tell me I sound much younger.  Last year an old gentleman friend told me he loved my voice on the phone and that I had a bit of a southern accent.  I've lived in So Cal, PA, Illinois, CO and Idaho.  Must be a hodge podge accent!

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I think our own voices sound a bit strange to us and not really how others hear us. 


My DD has the same voice as me and sometimes people would get us mixed up on the phone.  I like the sound of her voice so mine is okay too!

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I have a congenital condition with my vocal cords that causes my voice to sound shaky sometimes. Nothing can be done about it.

I've always been self conscious about it, especially when people feel the rude need to comment about it or ask about it.
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Yes, I do like my East Texas twang ya'll. 

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With my Boston accent??  You bet I like it, LOL!!!

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oh my gosh, no.  I sound slow. Gotta work on that. I'm also shocked that I sound like I'm straight out of the Bronx although I'm from western CT. Close enough I guess. It's funny how you sound so different to yourself. 

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I like that other people like my voice.

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I don't know about my speaking voice, but I sure don't like my singing voice. I wish I could sing as I do so at the top of my lungs and it isn't plesaant!


When dancing, DH has requested I don't sing in his ear.

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Yes.  Born and raised in Georgia, I have an extremely southern accent.  I do find it so fascinating that what you hear of yourself is not what others hear.  

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Yes. I've been told my speaking voice is very clear and pleasant. I'm a retired teacher.  I've been a soloist at my church for almost 40 years. I'm in my early 60s now.  I've noticed a bit of change in my voice as I've aged, but I still get many compliments on the clarity and quality of my singing voice.