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I do! I LOVE thunderstorms!


 They scare one of my cats, the other will watch the lightning.


Every flash of lightning is unique, and the concussion of the thunder is awsome!


I especially love lightning at night. It's like nature's fireworks.


So powerful.


So humbling.



So, do you like thunderstorms?

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Re: Do You Like Thunderstorms?

Not especially.  I don't mind rain, but I find some of those loud claps of thunder a little frightening.  

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Re: Do You Like Thunderstorms?

I don't like or dislike them, but I do sleep better during a thunderstorm.

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Re: Do You Like Thunderstorms?

I love them,  especially at night when I'm snug in bed.   Unfortunately,  it rarely rains at night here where I live. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Do You Like Thunderstorms?

Personally yes but they are terrifying to my pup, so no. Hate to see her so upset.

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Re: Do You Like Thunderstorms?

I love them. I turn off all the lights, light candles, open a bottle of wine, and play Rachmaninoff. I also love to fall asleep to them.  

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Re: Do You Like Thunderstorms?

I like them better on tv in a scary movie.

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Re: Do You Like Thunderstorms?

I love them too.... and love "counting" from when I see the lightening to when I hear the thunder and then calculating how far away the lightening was... 1 second for every mile....Woman Very Happy

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: Do You Like Thunderstorms?

I Love Thunderstorms!!  I was born during one, so my Mom told me. 


Now, once the wind whips up and the sky turns green, the wall clouds form ..... Not so much  I live near the DuPage river and clouds are rotating over my house more times than I can count.  Too many tornados and microbursts too close in recent years.  We have been lucky so far.


Still, I love thunderstorms.

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Re: Do You Like Thunderstorms?

I do like thunderstorms as long as I'm home and have a flashlight nearby in case the lights go out.  My dog is scared of thunder so I try to keep her calm.