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Re: Do You Like Practical Christmas Gifts?

We stopped buying Christmas gifts for each other years ago.  We buy whatever we want or need throughout the year, so for Christmas we usually buy something for the house that we both agree on.  Could be something big or not, but no individual gifts.  Sometimes there will be a gag gift, but that's the extent of it.  We also don't end up disappointed or with gifts that we don't want and didn't ask for.  

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Re: Do You Like Practical Christmas Gifts?

Nope!  Don't like to give them either.  

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Re: Do You Like Practical Christmas Gifts?

I like giving more than receiving a gift. I really don’t need anything. But, I love picking out a thoughtful gift. I shy away from general gift cards but will buy them if I know the parties frequent a store or restaurant. My niece is in fashion & real hard to buy for but she seems to enjoy my choices.
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Re: Do You Like Practical Christmas Gifts?

I really would prefer to pick out what I live in and with, and would prefer gift cards or consumables.  


Please do not give me anything I have to display, store, water, smell, apply to myself, find a place for, go to, listen to, wear or otherwise deal with for any period of time. 



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Re: Do You Like Practical Christmas Gifts?

My husband and I no longer exchange gifts.  If we want something, we just get it.


I would never expect house maintence to be a gift.  I am looking at tile for a new kitchen backsplash.  It would only be a gift if someone else who doesn't live in our home paid for it.



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Re: Do You Like Practical Christmas Gifts?

I like practical gifts best. 


I've received through the years many unpractical gifts.  I usually donate some of them.  I dislike clutter.  It's the thought that counts though and I'm grateful.

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Re: Do You Like Practical Christmas Gifts?

I've never received a practical gift, but I live far from most of my family so it would be hard for them to know what I might need. 


I like just about anything that comes from a loved one. Smiley Happy


I think I found a nice gift for a niece's toddler, who is sight impaired.  It's a book of pop songs with a button so the child can hear the song.

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Re: Do You Like Practical Christmas Gifts?



I'm a practical person, so I go for practical gifts.


One year I got my Dad a book of car wash coupons and he was THRILLED ... wouldn't stop talking about all his "free" car washes!   Woman LOL


My sister & I like gift cards because of all the post-holiday sales.


With a gift card, you also give them "the thrill of the hunt" with everything on sale.


Practical works every time, IMO.

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Re: Do You Like Practical Christmas Gifts?

I love to give presents, and love to see the reactions.

But I don't like getting gifts.

I much prefer to be taken out for dinner or a few drinks, so much happier with that!

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Re: Do You Like Practical Christmas Gifts?

@Burnsite Oh what a sweet gift.  I am sure the toddler will love it.  Hugs to the toddler!!