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@Silhouettes shadow  


"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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I never, ever go out of my house without makeup on and my hair at least brushed.  That's because I look soooooo bad without and I don't want anyone to see me the way I look in my house.  I won't even let my next door neighbor who I am friends with, see me with out makeup.  I don't answer the door ever because of it.  I know that means I'm very vain but I just look like a witch without the makeup.  I even go to my cardio-therapy with a full face of makeup.  


I have always had trouble with a bad complextion since my teens so that's why I am like this.  I grew up in the 50's where women just didn't go out without makeup. My mother always taught me to look presentable.  The only time anyone saw me all scrappy was just in the hospital with my heart surgery.  I was soooo embarassed.

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Funny thread- thanks @89135

The stories here made me laugh!

The very first thing my mom did every morning was get dressed and do her hair and makeup. I had a neighbor and friend who did the same thing. I don't. LOL! 


I do eventually get ready, but I will go downstairs with a robe and Not even a close friend or neighbor will see me without light makeup and always brow color. 



I have run to get takeout or pick up a few groceries without foundation and blush on. But I will always do my eyebrows and eyelashes.  Smiley Wink

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That's very cute!  I never feel like I look great any more, so I guess it doesn't matter the day!  I do, for what it's worth, do make an effort to look decent when I step outside the door.  It gets harder and harder though the older I get!

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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@89135    Love this!!!

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Yesterday I answered the door with no make up, my hair pineappled on top of my head and no bra on b/c I thought it was the Amazon delivery person leaving a package at the door.  It ended up being a candidate running for Senate!  I was so embarassed and hid behind the door with my face sticking out.  I got rid of him quickly.  

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While I agree with the cartoon, I quit caring about what others think of my clothes after retirement -- and I wish I'd done that decades earlier. 


I quit caring about a lot of things after I retired. Again, if only I'd done that a very long time ago. Life is a lot more enjoyable and fun this way.


I don't judge others based on their clothes either.

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@Silhouettes shadow wrote:

So TRUE.  Years ago I had all front upper teeth pulled. Partial was hurting badly as area wasn't healed so I didn't put it in and I always wear them no matter what. Vanity I admit.

  A garage sale was posted so thought I'd check the physical location out before hand to see where it was. It sounded like a wooper of a sale. It was later in the eve, had my pj's on and no makeup along with NO teeth. I planned on only driving by the sale area so thought what the heck, no one will ever see me.

  Sale was in the next town about 12 miles away.  About 3/4 ways there a deer ran out and hit my car to where I couldn't drive it due to significant damage. I was ok, but the car wasn't and the poor deer wasn't either. I then had to call the police knowing I'd have to do an insurance claim along with having to have the poor deer removed.

  Right after I called the police, it was then I realized that I didn't have my teeth in along with no makeup and was in my pj.s.  OMG, I felt like I was in the twilight zone.   I literally had to put my fingers over my top lip when the officer arrived in order to speak clearly so he could uderstand me because of the gap in my mouth where my teeth would normally be.

  Among the many embarrassing moments I've had in my life, this one is one of my top 5 on my list. 

  Can't wait to see what other's have to share.  I've already had some giggles with other posters. 

@Silhouettes shadow  -  I would think this would have been #1 instead of in the top 5.

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I take a day now and then to let my face breathe.  But to pass a mirror, I feel better if I look half way decent.  Secondly, and I said it here before, if we had to go to the emergency at the hospital I want to be ready.