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Dish dispute.....lost most of what I watch

We just signed a two year contract with dish and they lost local channels that I watch.  I have lost about 15-20 shows that I watch.

I am beyond frustrated.   ABC, NBC, CBS.......I called dish and told to call owner Tegna...Called Tegna and told to call dish....

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Re: Dish dispute.....lost most of what I watch

I had Direct TV....I would never sign another 2 year contract with anyone again...


I was so happy to get rid of it..

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Re: Dish dispute.....lost most of what I watch

My sister had the same issues a few years ago and changed back to cable.

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Re: Dish dispute.....lost most of what I watch

I live in a rural where cable will never be offered.  So we have to put up with the DISH and Direct TV machinations.  They wonder why they are losing customers.  I have a friend who gets all her TV through Roku.  I need cable news so that is not an option for us.  One would never know it is 2021.

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Re: Dish dispute.....lost most of what I watch

What is unusual about your situation is one company controlling all three major broadcast stations.  Owners try to get gouge level increases from the satellite and cable carriers and the carriers try to get the smallest increase possible.


I almost always side with the carrier when it comes to OTA broadcast stations because depending on where you live a great number of the channel viewers receive it for free so subscribers end up paying for them to watch free.


In a relatively short period of time you should get your channels back.  If something big is coming up like the start of a new season or a special, highly promoted program the owners become much more flexible.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Re: Dish dispute.....lost most of what I watch

[ Edited ]

We don't have ABC on our cable because the affiliate is owned by Tegna.  I am digusted because we pay a LOT of money each month for cable and cannot get a basic network station.  This dispute has been going on since January!

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Re: Dish dispute.....lost most of what I watch

@depglass wrote:

I live in a rural where cable will never be offered.  So we have to put up with the DISH and Direct TV machinations.  They wonder why they are losing customers.  I have a friend who gets all her TV through Roku.  I need cable news so that is not an option for us.  One would never know it is 2021.

@depglass,  many of the streaming services carry the cable news stations.  I can't receive local stations OTA even with an outside antenna (unless I go up at least 150 feet which isn't going to happen) and have just started looking at Youtube Tv and a couple other streaming services.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Re: Dish dispute.....lost most of what I watch

[ Edited ]

I'll check with some knowledgeable neighbors, but most of them are as clueless as I am.  I thought anti-trust laws were created to keep companies from pulling strongman tactics.  They don't seem to be working.

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Re: Dish dispute.....lost most of what I watch

DIrect TV just took off one of my favorites.....Bloomberg Netword (Financial channel).


I live in rural area with NO access to cable ( until recently, but it's a small local company...)


Direct TV has an annoying issue with sound breaking up on shows breaking up. Intermittent volume on/off/on/off....Mostly on the NBC networks, and HLN ( Forensic Files shows!!!). SO maddening!!!!



I live CNBC and Bloomberg TV best. CNBC has too much informercials and such on at night, whereas Bloomberg does world market coverage..


They have stocks on 24/7 during the week, including the Asian and European market openings and performances....and they only have a scrolling news service that doesn't involve personalities, politics, and bimbos and bimboys telling what to think about other words, analysis based  on numbers and dollars.


And...there's another way the satellite companies rip us off...THEY have access to the information about what cable companies are available in your area. So if they KNOW you can't get cable, they can play around with the costs for service on DISH, Direct TV, etc.


Then you have the biggest rip off of all....HughesNet sateliite internet. Don't EVER try them...poor, slow service only OK if all you want to do is READ when you're online. Unless you pay a LOT more, videos are impossible to load and watch.


We just had a local company  run cable and I'm looking into switching from Satellite TV. I took the TV out of my living room, and only have one in my bedroom. Cuts WAY back on TV time, which was my goal. Rather do other things than watch night, when I can't sleep, I really liked watching the foreign stock markets, our markets after hours, and of course, Law and Order reruns!!!

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Re: Dish dispute.....lost most of what I watch

@chiclet wrote:

We just signed a two year contract with dish and they lost local channels that I watch.  I have lost about 15-20 shows that I watch.

I am beyond frustrated.   ABC, NBC, CBS.......I called dish and told to call owner Tegna...Called Tegna and told to call dish....

HUH? I have DISH -had it for years and have NEVER lost any channel! Ever! Except for the high prices I love DISH. I have recorded so many movies I should be set for life. There are still features that I haven't used and new ones I've discovered lately. One of these days I'm going to figure out how to use them.